Eye For An Eye

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(Hey little warning is shit is gonna get graphic so to the people that are sensitive to bloodshed or anything across that line do please don't read if you are sensitive to these topics I repeat do not read if you are sensitive to these topics.)

(Author-Chan ~ out✌️)

(No one's POV):

As the nightly hours were upon the Oni as she walked back to where her human mate was.

Unaware of the damage that was done to her human mate.

A few passing minutes later the Glowing Oni finally made the little bakery where her human making sure to go into her human form before entering.

But when she entered she didn't see her mate but instead, she saw someone else's at the cash register

(???): "Welcome, can I take your orders".

"Sorry but no, I need to see (Y/N)".

(???): O-oh, (Y/N) isn't here at the moment.

The Oni started to worry, "Where is she".

(???): "In the nearest hospital we found her out cold on the floor where we first walked in".

Akali gripped the desk with inhuman strength, cracking it in the process.

She knew exactly who did it.

"I'm sorry for wasting your time". She left in a rush.

               ~●[Time Skip]~●

(Akali's POV)

I was practically run to the nearest hospital looked for (Y/N).


I paused at the yelling of my name "Huh"?

The rumble of Evelynn's car was to my left.

"What's the matter girl, why are you running". Ahri questions me.

"Eve, Kai-Kai, Ahri do me a favor and watch over (Y/N) for me she is in the nearest hospital".

"Wait what happened while we were gone?

"Just go, I have someone's hand to bite off".

"Hold on Akali think about what you're about to do". Kai'Sa tries to stop me.

"Kai'sa, I made a promise, and when I made that promise I don't break them especially if they're a threat".

       ~●~●~[*Time Skip*]●~●~●~

(Evelynn's POV)

We show up at this hospital nervous. This place was filled with humans.

"Come on human forms, now before we get caught".

Ahri's and Kai'Sa demonic features disappeared.

We rushed to the front desk with a young lady doing paperwork.

(???): Hello what can I help you with today.

"Where is (Y/N) (M/N) (L/N) at".

She types away on a computer.

(???): She is on floor 6 in room 9 to your right.

Kai'Sa thanked her before leading the way to the elevator.

Ahri pressed the button on the 6th floor but someone decided to join up.

(???): Hold the door, please

A woman who looked like in her mid or late thirties was jogging towards us with a book in her hand.

"Shit, she's one of them what are we gonna do". Ahri's started trembling.

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