Stressed Out

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[A Few Days Later]

(Akali's POV)

I watched as (Y/N) paced back and forth in my room. Phone in hand.

"What do you mean by, bakery is clean?"

I was getting worried for her.

"I know it's demanded by law."

She was sweating bullets, and her hair was a frazzled mess.

She sighs "Fine". She hangs up.

"(Y/N) did I do something wrong?" I looked at her with concerned eyes.

She comes over to me and sits on my lap before stuffing her head against my neck

"No, Akali, you didn't do anything wrong. Humans just want to bring other humans down because of an incident that could've been handled differently."

"Are you sure you're going to be ok, I can handle it if you want me to." I cracked my knuckles.

"No, no, no that's not needed Akali, I know you're heart is in the right place but I don't need any more controversy about my barkery, I already have the police on my ass". She detached from me

I huffed. "Can I at least come with you?"

Her hand ruffles the top of my head. "You don't worry about a thing. You just sit here and look pretty, ok." She kisses me on the head.

I narrowed my eyes at her. "I don't wanna sit and look pretty. I want to protect my mate because last time you told me not to worry, you damn near got bit or worst killed. "

"But Aka -".

I stood up. The size difference between us made her shut up real quick.

"Don't, but Akali me because I won't take no for an answer (Y/N)."

"Akali, you're being stubborn."

I crossed my arms. "I'm sorry, but I'm tagging along whether you like it or not"

"If you're coming with me you have to come in your human form, alright".

I go quiet for a bit, thinking about it.

"I will behave".


"But under one condition".

(Y/N) facepalmed "And that is".

I grabbed my Kama and Kunia off the wall. "I get to bring these with me".

"Keep them out of sight and we have a deal".

"Yea, yea, whatever now let's go".

I started walking out the door with Akali on my tail.

"Wait a minute. I wanna talk with Akali, in private." Evelynn stopped me

Behind her were Ahri and Kai'Sa.

"Ok". I walked outside without a second thought.


(Akali's POV)

I get pulled by Evelynn.

"Why"? She asked.

"Why, what"?

"Do you know where you are going? Ahri tagged in

"With (Y/N)".

Evelynn pinched the bridge of her nose. "You are so fucking dumb sometimes, you know that".

She lets me go.

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