Chapter One

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Mackenzie awoke in her gigantic bedroom, checking the clock beside her on the table. 9:28. She let out a sigh as she stared at the ceiling.

Her room was painted a nice and calming light grey. The doors out to the balcony, looking out over the water, her keyboard stand and guitars on wall opposite of the doors. She had a bathroom and a walk-in closet. Her record player next to her bed. The full body mirror was stood in the corner by her bedroom door. Her bedding was a beautiful silk ocean blue colour.

Mackenzie knew she didn't need any of what she had, but she loved her belongings either way. She appreciated everything she had because she knew not everyone has the things she does.

As she got out of her large, king size bed, she made her way to her walk-in closet. Mackenzie threw on her solid black string bikini, wearing a white tank tank top and an old flannel with ripped blue shorts overtop. Her fiery red hair was tied back in two loose French braids from the day before.

Mackenzie knew her friends would be by to pick her up in the boat, just like every day. So she left her room and made her way to the kitchen where she packed some fruit, cold veggies and chips. Even made a few sandwiches, knowing she'd probably have to force JJ to eat it. Mackenzie snuck a few beers into the cooler and hid them with cans of iced tea. Just in case her dad checked the bag before she left on the boat.

The sixteen year old heard feet running and prepared herself for the hyper eight year old coming her way. "Kenzie!" her little sister, Ella, squeals as she runs into the kitchen. "Hello angel, how did you sleep?" Mackenzie asks, picking the girl up and balancing her on her hip. "Oh you're getting too heavy for this."

"I had a great sleep! Dreamed of me and you on a boat!" Ella beams, "well that sounds like the best dream ever." the red haired girl smiles, putting her sister back on the floor. "Can I come with you today?" Ella asks.

The eight year old always wanted to join Mackenzie and her friends, but she was too young to be around the teenagers drinking out on the water. Especially since JJ usually does something stupid that Ella would think is cool and try to do it herself. "Not today angel, but I promise another day, okay?" Ella was too young to stay sad for long so she just continued to skip around the house.

When the clock read 10:43 Mackenzie made her way out back, walking down the boardwalk to their dock. She was hoping to get there and get with her friends without being stopped by her father or maybe even her eldest brother, Ryan. But of course he stopped her.

"Where are you going? Pogues, again?" Ryan practically sneers, he hated Pogues which always pissed Mackenzie off. "Yeah well.. just remember it was Kooks that made me switch schools in the first place." she retorts. Her and Ryan never really had a close relationship, she always thought he was an ass. Which she constantly proved to be right.

"What's in the cooler? Take any of dads beers?" Ryan questions her. "Iced tea and sandwiches, fuck off." Mackenzie said with a straight face. "Those little Pogue friends of yours are turning you into a little bitch." the brunette glared, "well you're an ass with all your stupid Kook friends so let's call it even. Now move."

Ryan walked away as Mackenzie saw her friends pulling up in John B's boat. "Top of the morning Zie!" John B called to the redhead. "Morning kids." Mackenzie grins, "good morning sunshine." JJ said, calling her one of the several nickname he had for her.

"Whatcha got there? Some juice boxes?" Pope wondered, looking at the cooler. "You know just some fruit, iced tea, sandwiches." she shrugs, reaching the end of the dock. "How about my kind of juice box?" JJ asked, reaching his hand out for her. "Yeah that too." Mackenzie grinned as she took his hand and hopped in the boat.

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