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Third Person's POV

Jeno was walking from practice. He decided to go to a nearby convenient store to buy some dumplings and soda.

He also wandered for some time in the ramen section. Not being able to pick which flavor he should buy.

He was about to grab one when a hand grabbed it first.

"You're too slow" she said and walked away

Jeno was left dumbfounded.

He took what he bought to the cashier and payed. After that, he went to the park to take a rest and eat his snacks.

He sat down and opened a bag of chips that he also bought. He was munching the chips when a hand slipped into the bag and took a handful.

"Thanks" she said and winked at Jeno

Jeno was once again, left dumbfounded.

"Red Lee, nice meeting you" she said and stretched her hand out for a handshake

The boy just looked at her.

"Rude" she said

"Huuuh??" Jeno responded "Excuse me?"

Red was about to take more of his chips when he kept them away from her.

"Greedy jerk" she said and rolled her eyes at him

"You were the one who took some without my permission" he said with a really annoyed look "You ingrate rude brat"

She slapped him "Jerk"

He just stuck his tongue out, mocking her. She was clearly pissed and walked away.

Jeno just shook his head and continued eating his chips.

"What a weird brat" he said to himself and again, shook his head

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