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Red's POV

I was immediately flustered. I didn't know how to react. Then he laughed out loud.

"Just kidding!" he said "I was messing with you, atleast I saw your flustered face now"

"You fucker"

"But I do like someone" he said and smiled sweetly as if he's thinking of that person happily

"Tell me more" I sneaked beside him

He chuckled, it was a soft and gentle one "Okay okay"

He started smiling really wide and lively. He seems excited.

"So, her name's Sky" he started "Skyla Wong"

"Pretty name, she must be really pretty" I commented

"She is!" he said and he was very excited "I met her on a game. She said she watched our hockey game because of a project and she actually interviewed me that time as we won" Yangyang continued

He continued telling me stories about Sky and all those times, he was smiling brightly. His eyes are sparkling and his laughs and chuckles are all so carefree whenever he's talking about her.

He must be so in love. I wish I could feel that too. Whatever I'm feeling for Jeno, it's not yet love. It ain't like Yangyang's. I think mine's just attachment.

"By the way, did you confess to her already?" I asked

"Not yet" he answered and his smile faintly disappeared

"Why?" I asked

"She's uhm..." Yangyang is hesitating "You know what, let's talk about you" he said, not answering my question

"Yangyang" I called

He smiled playfully but his eyes are sad. Now I wonder what happened?

"Look, there's Jeno" he said and pointing to the entrance of the park

I did see him. Even his silhouette's familiar. I hate this, I recognize his with just his silhouette and footsteps wtf?

I immediately raised my eyebrows at him "Well, someone decided to show up"

He scratched his head "Sorry love" and he winked

Something's weird about him.

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