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Third Person's POV

Red put Jeno on his skateboard stomach down and dragged him out. His feet are dangling and are being dragged across the concrete.

"His shoes will probably wear out but I can't carry him and he'll probably be mad" she mumbled "But this is the only way I could think of" and she started chuckling

She dragged him to her house. She didn't know Jeno's home so Red's gonna ask his brother.

She knocked and as soon as Ten opened the door, his eyes landed to Jeno.

He bursted out laughing while Red looked so stress. Well, Red basically dragged around 4 blocks away from the park.

"Stop laughing and help me" she said

Ten took a photo of them and then helped her carry Jeno, still kind of laughing.

"Damn, you're witty" Ten said to his sister. He set his eyes to Jeno's shoes who are now worn out and has a hole on the fabric side which resulted to his toe to show "He's gonna be mad" he said "Those are his favorite converse"

"Take him home" Red said "My arms hurt"

Ten just laughed "Let him be, he'll wake up soon and go home by himself"

"Is that like his drunken habit?" Red asked Ten

"Yup" Ten answered "He falls asleep suddenly when he's drunk and when he wakes up, he just leaves without a word" he was laughing "And he'll remember nothing the next day"


Red's POV

Well, just like my brother said, Jeno woke up and already left. It's currently 11:30pm and I went down to check on him, but he was gone. His skateboard's here tho.

I kept his skateboard and went to my room. I laid down and smiled.

"I wanna be the reason of your smile"

That sentence kept echoing on my mind. I keep smiling every time I remember him telling me that.

I don't know if he'll remember tomorrow because like Ten said, he forgets what he did when he's drunk.

Even though he was drunk when he told me that, I knew he was sincere. Drunk words are sober thoughts right?


A/N: here's the idea of how Red dragged Jeno

Except he's on a skateboard and minus that other guy on the shoulder

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Except he's on a skateboard and minus that other guy on the shoulder. I hope you get it.

also, ctto of the photo, it was from Pinterest

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