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Jeno's POV

2 years after...

I've already graduated! Once I received the certificate, I immediately ran down and hugged my parents, Jieun, and of course Red and our little angel Rose.

"Congrats daddy!" Red said in a playful voice

Rose, our daughter, was smiling brightly while giggling. She was clapping her hands and that melted my heart.

I can't explain how happy I was. Rose is already 2 years old and I can finally fulfill my promise. To lock our love with a ring.

The first few months were hard for us, we were both new parents and didn't know what to do or what not to but we managed with the help of our parents.

"Congrats bro!" Jieun greeted me

I smiled at her and messed her hair "You'll graduate soon, good luck"

She just winked at me. She took Rose and played with her, leaving Red and I, alone.

"Soo" I started "We have time alone" I teased

She jokingly punched my arm "It's freaking 4:00 in the afternoon Jeno"



I laughed "I love you"

"I love you more"

I took out the ring from my pocket which I bought weeks before graduation and then kneeled.

"So, I'm gonna fulfill what I said, to lock our love with a ring" I saw her tear up "Will you marry me?"

She nodded "Yes!"

I put the ring on her finger and then kissed her. I feel happy. Very happy.


It's time. It's the day I've been waiting for. I can finally see her walk down the isle and I can't stop smiling.

Who would've thought that, I'd fall in love with someone who was just messing with me?

Everything was unexpected, there were ups and downs. It was a roller coaster ride. We felt different kinds of emotions. We faced problems as well.

I don't know how can I explain this feeling but it feels like my chest will burst. My heart's beating so fast that I almost can't breathe.

She reached the altar and then I took her hand.

I mouthed "I love you"

She smiled at me and mouthed "I love you too"


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