four || "You Can't Be Serious!?"

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Summer's POV

Jess: I'm sorry about before🥺 I had no right to get mad at you over something like that. If you say you're just friends, then I have no right to question that. I'm in my room, come hang out for a bit?

I stared blankly at my ceiling as the contents of last night came flooding back.


Rolling over on my stomach, I slammed my head into my pillow smothering a scream.

Jess was going to kill me.

I knew she had been silently rooting for me and Devon for years, and I understood why she got frustrated over my refusal to consider him as a boyfriend. She didn't know him as well as I did. To her, there was no better match for me than him.

Summer: You're forgiven <3 I'll be there in a sec!

Maybe I'll bring her breakfast as a peace offering.

I ran to the kitchen and checked the freezer for ingredients. I settled on waffles, picking two out of the bag, popping them into the toaster. Waiting for them to brown, I grabbed a glass filling it with apple juice.

Jess's favorite drink.

I grabbed the waffles and spread Nutella over both of them. I cut up some strawberries and bananas and carefully decorated them around the plate. "Yeah, this should work." I picked up both plate and cup and made my way to Jess's door, knocking on it with my foot.

"Coming!" She yelled.

She opened the door, elated to see me carrying food. "Is this for me?" I stretched out my arms offering my bribe to her with a smile, "yes, I wanted to do something nice for you."

It wasn't a complete lie.

She kissed me on the cheek and thanked me for the gesture. I took a seat at her desk, watching her snap a picture of her plate.

"So Adam can take notes." She scoffed.

I laughed nervously, why the hell was I so scared to tell her what happened last night?

"Are you okay?" She asked in between bites, "you look a bit on edge."

"There's something I have to tell you...but you can't get mad!" I blurted it out fearing I'd lose the courage to say it. She looked at me, probably preparing a lecture already. "What'd you do?" I couldn't detect any judgment in her tone, maybe she was being rational today.

"I hooked up with Devon last night."


                             Devon's POV

"How you feeling?" I tried to hold back my laughs, but I couldn't help it. Tyler was sitting at his desk, head in his arms, still wearing his outfit from yesterday.

"Fuck off, can you hand me that Asprin over there?"

"You're lucky I'm a good friend, what made you drink like that yesterday anyway?" He had been the only one really trying to get drunk.

"I don't know I've never gotten drunk before, I guess I got excited."

"Well take it easy next time."

I handed him two pills and a bottle of water, "what's with you and that girl Maya?" I hoped he was at least considering her as an option. Tyler didn't really talk to many girls. He was more reserved than he liked to let on. Some people thought he was just full of himself, but if they took the time to get to know him? They'd know he just needed some time to warm up to you.

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