twenty-six || "You Can't Ignore Me."

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Summer's POV

"Did you miss me?"

Four words had been wreaking havoc on my brain for days. Of course, I didn't miss him, where did he get off on asking me something like that? Had he completely forgotten all the shit he put me through or did he think the cheating was his only sin? His carefree attitude made me search my memory for every fucked up thing he'd ever said to me, trying to convince myself I wasn't crazy.

We both knew what he did.

So why was he acting like it never happened?

"Summer? Breakfast is ready." Jess shook me from my thoughts as she leaned over me, trying to get me out of bed. "Yeah, I'll be down in a second." She frowned as she sat on the floor beside me, resting her chin on the edge of the bed. "You okay beautiful? How was your night at Devon's? He dropped you off pretty early this morning." I knew she was just trying to make me feel better but it was no use.

"Devon is fine."

I sat up, trying to run my fingers through my tangled hair. I grabbed my phone from the dresser next to my bed and handed it to Jess. Confused, she took it and read through the messages I never opened and never bothered to erase.


She threw the phone on my bed and looked at me. "Block him, he's just trying to get in your head." Too bad he was already succeeding, "is it wrong that a part of me is compelled to know what he has to say? I knew he was going to pretend like our issues didn't go beyond the cheating, but still.." She tilted her head, brushing some hair out of my face. "Maybe you should tell your parents or Devon, they could--"


"To which?"


She sighed loudly raising an eyebrow, "okay parents I understand, but why not Devon?"

"You should have seen him at prom and when I told him what really happened between us, he'd flip."



This was one argument I wouldn't let her win. I knew telling Devon or my parents was the smart idea, but I didn't want them to worry. I had to be able to handle this myself. "I'll handle it." Jess never pushed me when I deaded a conversation but today she was being very persistent. "I respect your privacy and your choices Summer, I always have. But I'm not going to sit around and watch him ruin you. You barely had a full conversation with him and he's already wormed his way back into your head. Think about what this could do to you, your relationship."

She was always right and I hated it.

"I said I'll handle it. I'll tell him okay? My parents too just not right now, and you have to promise me you won't say anything."

She rolled her eyes and stood up holding her pinky out, "have you met me?" I smiled as I locked my pinky around hers.

"Now let's go eat."


Over the next couple of days, I threw myself into my work at my internship hoping it would distract me from my current dilemma. Now that YouCreate was officially on the shelves Tyler needed me less and less so I spent most of my time with Caleb gossiping about the other employees while we filled out paperwork.

"Your phone has been going off all morning, what did you and Devon get into a fight or something?"

I grabbed my phone and opened it finding more messages from Chris. I had blocked him after my conversation with Jess, I didn't understand how he was still able to text me. "No, it's my ex." Caleb's eyebrows raised as he waited for me to explain.

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