Bonus Chapter || The Wedding ♡

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First off I want to say thank you for all the reads on Just For A Moment

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First off I want to say thank you for all the reads on Just For A Moment. I promised my friend a little more of JFM so this is me following through. Also, I really missed this story and the characters so <3


        Summer & Devon's Winter Wedding


"He's been a bit fussy this morning so just be patient with him. I have some breast milk in the bag, and his clothes are all packed." I scanned my messy living room and sighed. If it wasn't baby clothes and packs of diapers, it was wedding gifts and invitations scattered across my floor. I was exhausted, I was overworked, and I desperately needed a night out.

Becoming a mom was an absolute whirlwind. I had a decent pregnancy, Elijah went easy on me for the nine months I carried him. It was when it came time to push where things got complicated. To put it simply it was hell. I was in labor for 26 hours and Devon didn't leave my side for a second of it. I knew nothing of pain before giving birth. It was like pushing a bowling ball out of my vagina. A ball I was going to have to love and feed after he'd destroyed the place I once knew as my vagina.

All the pain and frustration dissipated when I heard his first cry. It completely disappeared when they placed his little body in my arms. I had made a life. This tiny little alien was all mine and he was created from nothing but love and kindness.

"He's beautiful," was the first thing that passed Devon's lips. He was crying, and he didn't care that I was a sweaty, dirty mess. He left sweet kisses all over my face and thanked me for giving him a family.

He also thanked me by buying me a new car.

Though delivery was hell, Elijah was a patient baby. He rarely gave me a hard time but some nights I just couldn't get him to stop crying. I'd be up all night rocking him back and forth praying he'd get tired and eventually quit. Some nights he didn't want me at all. He'd cry until his father came home and would immediately fall asleep in his arms like a traitor.

I risked my life giving birth to him and he had the audacity to choose his father over me? I didn't care how cute they looked slumped in a chair sleeping together—who was I kidding it was very cute.

"Summer, honey. I've got this. You go get some rest, can't have you miss your bachelorette party." Sandra put out her arms to take Elijah and I happily passed him off. I loved my sweet boy but I really needed a break.

"Oh, you are so cute I could just eat you!" She pinched Eli's cheeks and he cooed. Sandra came to visit often after Elijah was born. With Devon gone so much she and my mom worried, it was like they took turns to see who came and bothered me next. Nonetheless, I appreciated the help. I'd be lost if I didn't have them to call on. They had no idea how grateful I truly was for them.

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