six || "Have You Been Drinking?"

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Summer's POV

"You're killing me with that face you're making." I turned towards him confused. "That puppy dog face, you get anything you want when you do that huh?" He looked me up and down before turning his attention back to the road.

"That depends, is it working now?" I was trying to be nice but he was making me hate surprises.

"Yes, so I'll give you a hint."

I waited for him to finish eagerly.

"How do you feel about drive-in movies?"


"Uhh.. Jay?"

"Please don't tell me you hate them?"

If he wasn't nervous before, he sure was now.

"No, It's just that, that wasn't a hint. You flat out told me where we were going." He looked dumbfounded once he realized his mistake. "Fuck, you see what you do to me?" I shrugged and looked back out the window.

He reached his hand for the radio, turning it down a few notches.

"So I have to ask."

My stomach couldn't handle any more suspenseful questions.

"Is there something going on between you and Devon?" Surprised, I shifted my gaze, pinching my hand trying to figure out a good way to answer his question.

"I'm not tryna be in your business, you're not my girlfriend so you can do whatever you want obviously. I just don't want to step on anyone's toes."

"Why would he give you my number if there was?" He tapped on his steering wheel, contemplating his reply.

"Just forget I asked actually, I think I know the answer to my question."

I wanted to know what he was thinking, but I figured it'd be best to leave this conversation alone for now. After all, I wasn't exactly sure myself. Besides, he didn't seem angry or upset, so that was a good sign..right?

After a few more minutes of driving and making small talk, I could finally spot the entrance of the drive-in. I had never been to one, so I didn't know what to expect, but I was excited to experience something new.

Jay pulled up to the ticket booth and rolled down his window greeting the clerk.

"You don't have to pay, but just take the ticket to make me look good. If the other patrons see me just let you in, they'll all be trying to get in for free." The young boy handed him two tickets and raised the gate for our car to pass through.

"Good looks, I'll see you at home."

"Home? Are you guys related?" Jay shook his head while trying to find the perfect spot to park.

"Yeah, that's my brother." He pulled into the center of the lot and put his car in park.


"Must be nice to get to see free movies all the time." He leaned his seat back, getting comfortable.

"Yeah, it has its perks." He licked his lips giving me another once over.

"You really do look good Summer."

My ears started to ring and I could feel them warming up.

"Thanks, so do you."

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