twenty-seven || "Is This Some Kind Of Sick Joke?"

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Summer's POV

I was beginning to lose my nerve as I neared the end of Devon's street. Every possible outcome began circulating through my brain, and none of them had a happy ending. He was understanding months ago but this was different.

I didn't lie to him.

When I was dating Chris, Devon and I began growing apart. Chris was jealous of him, convincing me having someone like him around wasn't good for me; good for my reputation. I protested, trying to assure him that he was only my closest friend and he respected me and my relationship. But Chris wasn't having it. He was furious, accusing me of cheating on him with Devon. To prove my love and loyalty, he made one simple request.

End my friendship or else.

I know it sounds horrible. Why would I choose him over my best friend? But it wasn't that simple. I was young and aiming to please. I loved Chris in some weird, fucked up way. He was my first everything and he used that to control me, keep me at bay. To spare Devon from the what else I told him we'd have to have some space from one another and while he hated the idea, he didn't protest. When prom season came around I was miserable, more miserable than I was the entire year. I was relieved when Devon and I caught Chris cheating on me prom night because it gave me a way out. I broke up with him on the spot and that was the end of Chris and I. I told Devon about all the cheating which I was already aware of and let him think that was our only problem.

I told him what was there in plain sight, not bothering to add fuel to the flame.

"Summer, hi sweetie!" Sandra opened the door inviting me in. She looked a lot better these days. "Sorry Ms. Harris, is Devon home?" I asked nervously pinching my hand. "Yes, he's upstairs in his room." She sat at the kitchen table and poured herself a cup of tea. "Thank you," I said politely before running upstairs and giving Devon's door a knock.

"Summer, what are you doing here? Not that I'm not happy to see you but it's late." He was wearing gray sweatpants that hung way too low on his waist. He was shirtless, hair perfectly messy as if he had just woken up. My mind wanted to lead elsewhere and it pained me that the reason I'd rushed over wasn't for something more lighthearted.

I brushed past him, trying to ignore his intoxicating stature, and began pacing back and forth biting my nails.

"What's wrong?" His voice was quiet and tender as he walked over to me, placing both of his hands on my shoulders trying to calm me down. I wanted so badly to just melt in his embrace and take Chris with me to my grave, but I could feel him off somewhere satisfied over the hold he had on me.

"I have to tell you something and I need you to listen before you say anything."

He took a few steps back, putting his hands in his pockets. "What's going on?" Taking a deep breath, I silently encouraged myself to look him in the eyes.

"That morning I went to the mall with Jess, I ran into Chris."

His jaw tightened and fists clenched at the mention of his name.

"Did he say anything to you?" He looked concerned, sad even. I was praying that sadness wouldn't turn to anger. "Briefly." The silence in the room was deafening as I prepared myself to continue. "The reason why I've been acting so weird is because ever since then, he's been texting me nonstop every day. I've tried blocking him but another number always pops up." He stood quietly, mouth parted slightly, brown eyes burning into mine.

"Please say something."

His fist unclenched, and his face relaxed. "What has he been saying to you?" I reluctantly passed him my phone and watched as he scrolled through all of the messages, getting angrier by the second. He locks it and hands it back to me once he's had enough.

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