ten || "Yes, Girlfriend."

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Summer's POV

"Shit, what time is it?" I leaned off the bed to grab my phone and immediately sighed when I saw three missed calls and four angry text messages from my mother. Trying not to wake Devon up I quietly snuck out of the bed and ventured into the hallway. The house was quiet so I assumed everyone was still asleep.

"Good morning honey." A voice called out from the stairs.

I guess I was wrong.

I turned around to see Devon's mom walking up the stairs a cup of coffee in hand. I tugged at the bottom of my sweater hoping it was long enough to cover myself. "Hi Mrs. Washington." Her face tensed at the mention of her last name. "Actually it'll be Ms. Harris soon, so you can just call me that from now on, or Sandra is fine as well." She said it with a smile but it didn't stop me from feeling like an idiot.

"Shit. I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking." I let out a nervous laugh as I spoke.

"Don't worry about it, it's going to take some time getting used to I know." She took a sip of her coffee sighing into it before she spoke again. "So, how was the shower?"

I thought about how I should answer before responding.

"Oh it was okay. There was a lot of games there and Liv--"

"Summer." Sandra interrupted me crossing her arms. "You don't have to beat around the bush, you won't hurt my feelings."

Before I could reply Devon strutted out of his room and walked down the hallway stretching his arms out. He stopped to my right and splayed his arm around my shoulder. "I'll tell you about it later." He said trying to hold back a yawn. His mom raised an eyebrow in confusion before she figured out he heard our conversation. "Just like you'll tell me about this later?" She gestured her cup towards Devon and I, and I wanted to disappear from embarrassment. "Yeah, yeah what's in the cup?" His hands were now in the pocket of his sweats waiting for his mother to answer him.

She continued down the hall raising her cup in the air and yells "It's coffee!" before shutting the door to her bedroom. Devon sighed and looked over at me. "There's an extra toothbrush in the bathroom." He grabbed my hands and kissed them lightly. "If you want to shower, you know where everything is, I'll just wait for you to finish."

"You can use it first, I don't mind." I had to call my mother anyway. His lips formed into a smirk and he walked closer to me. "Orrr we can save water and shower together. How does that sound?" He leaned in for a kiss and I pushed his head away. "We are not doing that here, and I don't do morning breath sorry." He put his hand over his heart and backed away, I gave him a kiss on the cheek instead, and walked towards the bathroom.

"I won't be long okay?"

He responded inaudibly and jotted down the stairs.


"You're still not dressed?" Devon asked shaking water out of his hair. "You never put my clothes in the dryer, I have nothing to wear." He cursed under his breath and opened his closet searching for clothes.

"I'm sorry Sum, I meant to wake up earlier and do that, just wear something of mine for now." He pulled out a sweatshirt and a pair of sweatpants and walked them over to me. "Thank you." I smiled grabbing the clothes and walk over to his mirror, dropping my towel.

I could feel Dev's eyes watching me as I got dressed.

"What are you waiting for?"

He was still in his towel staring at me intensely. He walked over to the mirror standing behind me and gently placed his hands around my neck. "What do you have planned for the day?" He leaned his head and placed a kiss on my cheek. I wanted to fall apart right there, but I composed myself to answer. "My mom wanted me to spend a day with her while I'm here so I'll be home or out probably." He didn't respond, instead he placed his hands on my waist and stepped closer to me, his bare chest pressing against my back. He buried his head in my neck leaving kisses everywhere. "Mmm." He sang, "How about tomorrow?" He lifted his head up and looked in the mirror smiling, pleased with my reaction. He spun me around and kissed me before letting me respond.

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