five || "You're really going out with him?"

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Summer's POV

"I can't read another word of this."  I tossed my textbook to the side, putting my head in my hands. "Take a break," Devon interjected, not breaking his gaze away from his phone.

I guess a break couldn't hurt, working through a burnout wouldn't do me any good.

"Scoot over," I told him before I threw myself on the bed. He locked his phone and put it off to the side, giving me his full attention. "You push yourself too hard." His voice was sincere, "and you don't?" His face tensed at my comment. Afraid I hit a nerve, I steered the direction of the conversation. "I heard you guys are getting new helmets." He chuckled lightly, though not loud enough to hear. My face fell, "I'm sorry Dev, I didn't mea—"

"You didn't." He cut me short, "She finally left."

I stared at him in confusion, not knowing who he was referring to. "My mom, I mean."


"She called me a few days ago, sorry I didn't tell you sooner. He got someone else pregnant."

"What!?" I was louder than I intended to be.

"She's about three months now, he invited us to the baby shower." He was clenching his fist so hard I feared he'd draw blood. "Scumbag sent the invitation right to the house and my mom broke down crying. He said it was for the sake of the children."

"Yeah, but you're twenty-one?" I added, "but Olivia is only thirteen, he said he wants her to accept his new family considering after the divorce he and my mom will probably have joint custody."

"Wow, I don't even know what to say."

He laughed, a little louder this time.

"Yeah, it left me speechless too. You just reminded me that for my whole life, I've lived under his rules because he wanted me to be this ideal man. The perfect version of myself, I pushed myself to satisfy his wants for me."

He took a deep breath and unclenched his fist.

"Isn't it ironic that he's the shittiest man on the planet, wanting perfection from someone else?" I sighed and grabbed his hand, brushing my finger over the indents his nails made.

"I know the baby is innocent in all this. But I can't help but—" He stopped himself, not wanting to complete the thought.

"No I get it, I'd hate them too. But babies are cute, once you see him or her I'm sure that feeling will disappear." I didn't mean to come off so blunt but it was the truth.

He smiled and rested his head on my pillow, eyes looking up at me.

"You always know how to lighten the mood." He was relaxed now, a smile stretched across his lips.

"Will you go with me? Back home?" I chewed on the inside of my cheek, considering his request.

"I could use the moral support, I don't want to set a bad example for Liv by being spiteful. Besides, my mom and Olivia miss you a lot, they ask about you all the time."

He knew I loved them both, of course, he'd throw that in there.

"I guess it'll be good to check on my parents, when is it?"

He lit up like a Christmas tree, "March twenty-third. I'd like to leave the twenty-second though, so I can see how my girls are doing."

"Okay, yeah I'll go." He rolled over on top of me, planting a wet kiss on my cheek. "You're the best Summer! Thank you!" I laughed and tried to nudge him off of me, I could barely breathe.

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