nineteen || "This Dinner Is Going To Be A Shit Show Isn't It?"

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Devon's POV

"Liv hurry up! I'm gonna be late for work." I looked down at my watch as the time ticked by. "Think fast!" She tossed her soccer ball at me from the top of the stairs, and I caught it last second. She hurried down the steps and fixed the bag on her shoulder. "I miss Summer, can we all hang out soon?" I grabbed the bag from her, adding it to mine and picked up my keys. "Yeah, she should be free this weekend, we can go to an amusement park or something." She clapped her hands and ran out of the door.

"Do you have a water in here!?"

I rolled my eyes as she was already made it inside the car, probably hearing nothing I said. I ran to the kitchen and pulled two waters out of the fridge and grabbed her lunch which she had also forgotten to pack. I quickly took a sticky note and jotted down a message for my mother, telling her I was taking Liv to practice and would be leaving for work after. She's been having more bad days than good recently. Her and my dad had just started the divorce process and she was drained every time she came home from a meeting with her lawyer. If she wasn't at work or sorting through bills, she was sleeping. I would sometimes walk past her room and hear her crying, reality crashing in on her. She and my father had more bad times than good. But they had been married for years, she was mourning the loss of a partner.

No matter how terrible he was.

"Next time check the fridge." I tossed Liv's stuff in the backseat and started my car. "Sorry!" She yelled, crossing her legs in her seat playing on her phone. "Has dad called you?" I had heard that he was fighting for more days with Olivia which didn't make sense because he barely spent time with her now. "No." Her answer was short and firm. I could tell she didn't want to talk about it so I dropped it.

"He thinks Liv would do better if she lived with him and Rachel."

"The courts wouldn't possibly go for that?"

"Unfortunately, It's not up to him or me or even Liv. We just have to see what happens when we get there."

As I approached the soccer field, Liv started preparing to get out the car. "Your game is Friday right?" She nodded her head as she stared out the window. "I'll take off, mom and I will both be there okay?" She looks at me, a smile stretched across her face. "And dad?" A lump formed in my throat immediately. I didn't want her to be disappointed if he didn't show up.

I wouldn't let him disappoint her.

"Yeah, and dad. So you better win!" She threw her arms around my neck before grabbing her bag from the back. "Have a good day at the beach!" She shouted before running off and joining the rest of her teammates.

Summer's POV

"So what did you decide?"

I sat in Tyler's office chewing on my tongue, tapping on the folders he had tasked me with. "After looking through all of the proposals I think the contest would be the best bet in keeping and attracting more people to the company." He nodded his head, taking in what I said. "And why is that?" I pinched the inside of my hand before continuing. "Well, because the contest is targeting eighteen plus you are bringing in a younger audience, and giving them an opportunity of a lifetime. Can you imagine how many people want to see their work on your building? I would imagine the news on the event would be impossible to avoid."

He smiled and ran his hands through his hair.

"Excellent. Very impressive Summer. I'll speak to my father and tell him we are moving forward with the contest." He tapped the end of his pen twice on his desk before taking down some notes. "You look troubled, is there anything else you wanted to add?" He was now tapping his pen against the corner of his mouth. "Uh, no I was just-" I cleared my throat and held my hands tightly in my lap.

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