Part 22

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"So you two get along well now?" Parth asked smiling as he and Rehan stood there looking at Sana having a great time with the kids showing her gifts they prepared for her.

"Well, we don't kill each other."Rehan chuckled sipping his drink. "I know Sana has a temper issue, but she is really kind-hearted. Don't take it to heart if she says something while she is mad." Parth smiled at him, making Rehan feel awkward suddenly.

"She talks a lot about you, by the way, all I hear is Rehan this... Rehan that"Parth added after a while chuckling, "Not the good stuff I guess."Rehan joined him, wondering how Parth and Sana would have gotten together- it felt weird when he thought about it, but he chose to ignore the feeling.

"She worries me sometimes, cause you know her fists used to talk a lot before, she isn't beating up people in college is she?"Parth asked curiously, "Nope she is well behaved with everyone other than me I guess."Rehan said pouting. "By the way... since when are you and Sana... I mean since when you guys are dating?"He asked not being able to keep it in anymore, making Parth choke on his drink.

"Wh..wh..?" Parth looked at him with a funny look on his face, "Yah!! Are you 5? can't you even drink properly?"Sana frowned at Parth, who took out wipes to clean the spilled drink.

"Can you please not yell at me. I am your OLDER BROTHER for god's sake."Parth said stressing on certain words looking at Rehan, trying hard not to laugh at Rehan's embarrassed face which was drained out of color.

"Then ACT LIKE IT."Sana yelled back from the distance not getting the situation at all. 

"Were you jealous? I kind of guessed it though, you did look kind of offended when I asked you if I could switch places with you before... "Parth said trying his best to put on a serious face, "It's... It's not like that. We don't even get along well..." Rehan hurriedly said beyond embarrassed now "I am just here cause of my Granny seriously."He added quickly, turning into a tomato with each passing moment.

"Don't be scared. Am not one of those stereotypical brothers they show in dramas- the ones who beat up guys who like their sisters, I mean I will if you trouble her but you are a nice guy aren't you?"Parth said laughing now,  "I really mean it though... we don't get along! I mean I don't trouble her or anything though, yeah I am a nice guy" Rehan fumbled not getting what to say.

"What are you two talking about?"Sana asked as she joined them, "Nothing."Rehan replied hurriedly making Parth laugh out loud and Sana frown suspiciously. "Whatever! I just came  to tell you that we are playing another round of cards, you guys wanna join?" She shrugged.

"Yeah sure. I mean why not right??!!"Rehan said quickly excusing himself and going in, while Parth couldn't help but giggle looking at flustered Rehan, "what's wrong with him?"Sana raised her brows to which Parth just shrugged not letting her in on their secret.

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