Part 57

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"You guys are early."Anu mocked as Rehan and Yuvi joined them on the table, to which they looked away embarrassed. "So today we are going for a hike!"Anu chirped quickly pulling out her phone, "Hike?!"Yuvi looked at Anu and then Sana surprised, to which Sana shrugged. 

"We better eat lots." Rehan said stuffing his face, to which they focused back on eating.


"What the..."Yuvi stared at the hiking trail, "when the fuck will it end?"Yuvi said as he sat on the ground, unwilling to go further, "Let's take a little break then."Rehan said as he handed water to Yuvi. "This spot is good."Anu said looking at the view as she grinned.

"If we are resting then, I guess this is a good place for pictures and reels" She beamed pulling Rehan and Sana into the frame. 

"I think you have had enough rest now Yuvi, let's get going or we won't be able to reach the peak in days."Rehan said being tired of Anu's Picture spree, "yes please, let's get going."Sana forced a smile pulling Yuvi with her, "I seriously cannot take any more pictures."She whispered to Yuvi to which he patted her back giving her an understanding look. 


"Okay! I hate to admit this but maybe all that hike was worth it!"Yuvi beamed looking at the view from the top, "It's beautiful!"Sana agreed, taking a deep breath in.  "Let's get in the resort eat and rest a bit- then we will come back to watch the sunset, and we can star gaze here as well- ain't that cool!"Anu chirped. "Wait! we could have taken rope way till here??? why did no one tell me about it??" Yuvi yelled as he spotted the ropeway banner near the resort- to which Anu shrugged making Yuvi look at Sana and Rehan betrayed.


"WOW! this view is just magnificent." Sana mumbled as they stared at the sunset. 

Rehan elbowed Yuvi who looked too into the beauty, "How long are you going to wait? do it now"He whispered to Yuvi before signaling Sana so they stepped back

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Rehan elbowed Yuvi who looked too into the beauty, "How long are you going to wait? do it now"He whispered to Yuvi before signaling Sana so they stepped back.

Yuvi coughed finally gaining Anu's attention, " The sunset is pretty isn't it."Yuvi said nervously, "It is. I wish we could just stay here in this moment for a bit longer."Anu smiled, "Why won't he get to the point"Rehan rolled his eyes, as he had his camera ready, "Don't be rude, he is nervous. It's not a cake walk"Sana frowned, "You say as if you are experienced."Rehan raised his brow, "You don't need the experience to show empathy but you wouldn't know."Sana fake smiled, Rehan was about to say something when Sana told him to start recording, to which he obliged paying attention to Anu and Yuvi.

"A... Anu- I... I..."Yuvi stuttered making Anu laugh, "You like me right? That's what you want to say right?" Anu smiled at Yuvi who looked horrified, "ah... so if you know that and if you like me as well, will you... will you be my girlfriend?"Yuvi blinked uncontrollably as his hands shook with the box in his hand, "I thought you would never ask, obviously yes!"Anu blushed red forwarding her hand for Yuvi to take her hand, "Yah! she said yes! get to your senses and slip the ring on her finger you dumbass!"Rehan shouted as Yuvi was too stunned to react. 

Yuvi blushed red as he slipped the ring, "Whoa!! It's hard to tell who is redder the sun or you two!"Sana giggled as she hugged both of them making them blush harder. "This was so much awaited though!"Rehan laughed as he recorded them, and Anu tried to take the camera away, "Uh? I thought you liked cameras!"Rehan said grinning just to earn a glare from Anu.

"Now let's go celebrate!!"Sana chirped pulling them towards the resort. "To Anu and  Yuvi's DAY 1!!"They cheered followed by laughs and stupid jokes.

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