Part 34

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"What did I do wrong? I mean wasn't he the one who wanted to step back... I mean??? Okay, I understand that he hates his father, but his father did seem to be so nice. I don't even know what went wrong. Okay maybe it was all my fault but we stopped right? why is he getting angry with me?? How was I supposed to know that Grandma is keeping him in Dark??" Sana paced around her room annoyed. 

Her phone rang again flashing the name of Grandma across the screen, She sighed not willing to pick up, she was mad at Grandma- why would she lie to her grandson? Rehan was in pain and it was pretty evident every time she looked at him. 

"Hello?" She picked up anyway, not willing to worry Grandmother anymore- "Sana... I am sorry to call you again and again but Rehan isn't picking up and I just want to know if he is taking it all too hard? I thought he has let go of the past until now... but..." Grandma sobbed over the phone, "I don't think he will be visiting me on his birthday this year, Sana can you do me a favor am just gonna send some stuff over so can you..." Grandma went on and Sana could only think about how hard it would be to face Rehan.

"Maybe I will not have to face him, I can just rely on the boy's hostel guard to deliver the stuff, He won't throw out the stuff that Grandma has sent right?"Sana sighed not getting how she was caught up in this mess.


"You look like you can use a rest" Sidharth commented his usual scoff on his lips, Sana hated the man from her core but right now she just did not have any energy or will to get herself in an unnecessary argument, so she decided to ignore the comment as she collected her file. 

"Looks like the work is taking a toll on you, you already look pale" He raised his hand to touch her face making her move back, and other people in the meeting hall shift uncomfortably. "Mr. Singhai,  I and many people here will really appreciate it if you mind your own business. Your share just dropped, I think it's the right time to get back to your company- It looks like they need you." Sana rolled her eyes packing her bag up, making Sidharth clench his fist and glare at him. 

"Uff! are you mad that your lover boy isn't around to pick you up and drop you off now? Did you guys have a fight? Don't tell me you guys broke up already? That would be so sad, not for me though." He smirked walking next to her and Sana just tried to control the urge to smash his head into the wall. "Sana!" Mr. Shekhawat called out and Sana quickly turned back ignoring Sidharth's whole existence. 

"Yes, Mr.Shekhawat"Sana smiled as sweetly as possible while Sidharth smirked amused, "Oh come on you can call me Uncle! You know my family pretty well."Mr. Shekhawat laughed as they walked out together leaving amused Sidharth behind. 


"I know things aren't that easy for you, but I have a favor to ask from you." Mr. Shekhawat said as he offered Sana a ride back to college, "It's Rehan's birthday tomorrow and as much as I am willing to give him this by myself, I know he would be mad even if I showed up in front of him. Can you please... give this to him?" Mr. Shekhawat asked forwarding a present to her.

 As much as Sana wanted to say no she couldn't simply deny a polite request, so here she was with the present in her hands standing in front of the boy's hostel.

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