Part 38

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"So you are going to visit Granny?"Sana asked as she played with the pebbles nearby, "Yeah, she asked me to come and visit her, as soon as I called her. Ummm... Do you wanna come along? " Rehan asked rubbing his neck awkwardly. 

"Eh... I would have loved to see Granny but it feels like- it would be better if you spend some time with Granny alone... also am back on assignments. I need to catch up on my studies- So you have fun I guess..." Sana said when something caught her eyes, "Wait... is that?" She asked as her hand reached out to grab onto his wrist, "why are you wearing this?" Sana almost whispered pouting. "Well... Isn't that supposed to be my gift? I own this wristwatch now? Why not wear it? what do you want me to do? showcase it?" Rehan raised his brow smirking, "Point." Sana said letting go of his wrist. "I was just caught off guard as I didn't expect you to wear it the same day."She mumbled making Rehan chuckle.  

"See you soon, I guess?" Rehan said as he walked backward away from Sana, to which she nodded looking at him, followed by a little wave. 


Rehan shuffled in front of the gate not knowing how to face Granny after a long period of shutting her down, But she is the one who did wrong- He tried to convenience himself that his actions were justified but he knew he will get an earful nonetheless, sighing heavily he rang the doorbell. 

The door opened without having to wait much, and he was embraced in a bone-crushing hug,  "I am so sorry, Rehan." His grandma sobbed in between the hug, making him break the hug and look at her, "Let's get in first." He said to which she nodded hurriedly taking him in. 

"I really thought if you meet him casually you guys might be able to mend your relationship as well, I thought you might be able to forgive him, nothing else." Grandma said as she closed the door behind her. "Granny, have you forgiven him? or that lady?" Rehan said his body tensed, he came preparing for this conversation, but it didn't make anything easier. 

"She is your Mother, don't address her like that." Grandma said sternly, "Oh, is she now? then how come I haven't seen her around in all these years? What kind of mother sends her 8-year-old child away like this?" Rehan said anger bubbling up inside him. "I know what they did was wrong, I know- but kiddo it's eating you up! I don't want you to be suffering because of your parent's fight! I just want you to move on from it- I thought with Sana- you might be able to do it."Granny sighed her eyes welled up again. 

"Why are you helping Sana? How do you know her and Parth?" Rehan asked looking straight at her Grandmother, "You won't remember since you were young at that time, but Sana's father and your Dad were best friends- When he heard your father is having a hard time with the business he dropped everything and got here to help him out without a second thought, he was like the second son to me- he was the one who stood behind your dad- even offered shares in his empire- The reason we are surviving is because of Rajwanshi's- 

He stopped visiting when his business started struggling and they had investments of Singhai's- I should have stopped him when he came to consult me about the investment, I knew how Singhai's were, but I didn't. The accident happened shortly after- He had this 7-year-old daughter- The baby I couldn't even look at, I couldn't even look at the kid-

Look what I did to his family in return for his favors on ours."Grandma cried out as she flopped on the sofa, "Maybe it was Karma- what happened to my family after that-" She added between her sobs as she couldn't control herself anymore. 

"I know it might be really hard for you Rehan- with your dad- but please... please help me to help my baby girl- So I can face Shekhar up there. Your Grandma is begging you."Granny looked at Rehan with hopeful and begging eyes- shaking Rehan to his core.

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