Not sure..

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No....I can' a million thoughts were whizzing around my head, does he like me? non who would want to like me? im a tramp! he called me beautiful but i thinking he was just trying to mess up my mind.. im not sure what should i say?

It felt like everything that had happened in my life had float away,it felt like a new beginning .how stupid can i get?just by going out for a few hours doesn't change anything! why did i even think about going out? urgh this is so messed up! i wish things could go back to how they were,u see this is what boys do,they mess u up.

What should i say back to him? i dont even know his name, before thinking i suddenly spat
"Whats your name?" it came out rudely but i didn't care.within seconds he replied
"Niall love, what about yours?" Urgh! that Irish accent,them blue eyes, that perfect body. why? why is he being so nice? nobody is nice to me,ever. not only that, he called me love. yes me, me? Urgh! why is life so annoying? why didnt my parents just take me up to the angels with them?why did they leave me here to suffer? i dazed off for about five minutes until he waved his hand in front of me,how rude.i remembered i didnt answer his question so i quickly said
"Sorry about that... my names Jas by the way"
"That is such a beautiful name" he replied and i blushed,seriously i have to learn how to have a normal conversation with somebody!
"Thanks.."i mumbled not sure what else to say.
"You look really uncomfortable, is it me Hun?should i leave?" As he said this i started to shake,is it obvious? I just wanted him to leave me alone but a tiny part of me is begging him to stay.
"No im fine" i say putting on my best poker face.
"Are you sure?you look abit pale.." he said worrying and searching for something in his pocket.
"Im fine,honestly.. so hows life?" i said trying to change the subject.
"You are not fine babe,i can tell.. its ok you can trust me" he said coming to sit next to me. why is he being so nice? Why? Not like anyone actually cares about my life. something's different about this boy.. he seems nice, why isn't anyone else like him? why can't life just be simple?

All of a sudden all the flashbacks started to appear in my head:


My parents and I were on our way to London, every 5 minutes i would ask 'are we there yet?' my dad got angry ,turned around and started shouting at me.sadly he wasnt looking where the car was going and we crashed into 4 other cars.
thats when my parents left my life and i was left to suffer on my own. it was all my fault, i deserved it. i ended 2 people's life and will never forgive myself for it.


As all of these things ran across my head i started to cry. i couldn't care less if i was in a cafe or not, all i wanted to do was just sit and cry for the rest of my life.

"ShhShh its ok honey,i'm here.. whats wrong ?" i heard someone whisper then hug me, i looked up to see Niall. i completely forgot he was here, cant believe im acting like a baby in public! i wish i never left the house and worst of all i wish i never met Niall!

Hey guys what do u think? quite a long chapter for a change. what do u think will happen next? comment below! love u all xx - Tazzy.

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