Get those filthy paws off me pt10

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A/N I have already written the next three chapters after this one! I know its been so long since I last updated anything but thats because I needed some inspiring! I hope you like it and if you do please vote! I'll post the next one after 5 votes :) oh and the photo to the right is of Eliza:)

Emma POV

It had been a whole month since that one night and I could feel my stomach churn now as I thought of it. I hadn't seen Crystal and last I heard she was hanging out under the bleachers smoking with the rejects, Eliza and Beth still sat with me and we did everything together. Peter and Chris stilled waved at me in the hallways but that was it, Occasionally I would be invited to one of there big parties that they had at the end of every month but I always passed and stayed home or hung with the girls. As foe Jordan he would know longer even look at me in the classes we shared together and his locker was two down from mine and in the mornings he would come open his locker and look over at me, I would turn lock eyes for 4 seconds and then he'd frown and look away and leave. This was a process that continued every day in the morning before school and in the afternoon at the end of school. 

Today was the day I was going to talk to him. I hadn't brought new contacts so I was wearing glasses today and to be a little rebellious I let my brown hair down that now began to turn red. I walked to my locker and opened it, it was such a routine that I knew how many seconds it took before he walked to his locker  

"12...13...14...15" I whispered to myself, I leaned back to peer around the door and there was Jordan and his perfect self looking back at me  

"1....2....3" I wasn't waiting forward that 4 second stare today I was going to go and speak to him, a large smile spread across his face at the same time as mine and we walked three steps to one another and both began to speak, I stopped realizing that we had both tried talking at the same time 

"you go first" He said sounding adorable 

"I don't want this to continue, I don't want to have awkward stares from across the room" I said really fast and all at once 

"It pains me not to just even speak with you, I don't care if we cant get back to where we were I just want to be able to talk to you" he said. I went up to him and gave him a big hug wrapping my arms around him. He hesitate seeming unsure and then he wrapped his arms around me 

"Are you coming to Peter's party tonight?" he said once I let him go 

"I wasn't planning on coming"  

"it would be cool if you did come" 

"I'll think about it, I have to go home I'll see you tonight" he said walking down the hallway 

"I didn't say I was coming!!" I yelled out after him he just waved me off and disappeared into the swarm of teens who where heading to the cafeteria for lunch. I sighed a sigh of relief and threw a bunch of books from out of my bag into my locker and headed for lunch.  

The buzz of the cafeteria was like heaven to me, no confinement of a classroom and the freedom to yell and shout. I spotted Eliza sitting at our table talking to Beth and they gave me a big happy wave. I felt good as I walked across the crowded cafeteria towards them I was past my grudge with Jordan and for once I was considering going to a party, everything was going my way today. 

I had spoken too soon when it felt like I'd hit a brick wall, my face crunched up in pain and I was knocked off my feet, it was then and there that my day went from going my way to going the highway. I waited arms out in a flat out panic knowing that I was going to hit the floor any second. I felt my head smack a chair and instantly I could feel the pain shoot through my body I waited for the rest of my body to hit the ground but it never came, a warm arm curled under my waist and lifted me back into whoever it was that had tripped me off my feet. I peeked my eyes open to see this gorgeous boy looking back at me, He had sandy blonde hair that wasn't brown but it wasn't blonde and he had the most amazing hazel coloured eyes that sparkled as the looked down at me 

"Are you ok?" he asked me as his face scrunched up trying to examine me with a quick glimpse 

"I'm fine I just hit my head lightly" I said reaching up and feeling the large egg on the back of my head 

"would you like me to take you to the nurse?" he asked me he still looked at me concerned 

"I'm good" I said trying to stand up straight in his iron grip that I only just realised was still holding me a foot above the floor. He realised too that he was holding me in the air and he let me down to the floor gently. I had to feet on the floor and immediately I almost lost balance if it wasn't for this stranger gripping my arm with his iron clasp 

"nope you're going to the nurse" he said, I managed to squeal a little protest before his other arm hooked under my legs and he carried me like a baby to the nurses office.

The stranger still paced back and forth occasionally looking at me. He looked so familiar and yet I couldn't place it. Those eyes where something in themselves I hadn't seen anything like them, looking into them was like looking at melted gold and looking at his fare skin and yellowish brown hair it all seemed so familiar. It was those eyes that made him seem so familiar 

"Im Lucas by the way" he said taking a seat next to me on the bed 

"Emma" I said smiling at him, unknowingly I placed a hand gently on his warm arm and that made him smile 

"First day and I'm already tripping up the most beautiful girl at school" he said with a goofy grin that was accompanied with a blush 

"haha that will score you points for everyone especially since you rescued me" I said faking a terrified look. I knew that I was flirting and this whole scenario was corny but he was so gorgeous 

"you should be able to leave if your feeling up to it" the nurse came in handing me a slip my leave pass on it 

"I signed you both out for the rest of the day" she said with a smile and left the room, glancing down at my phone I realised it was only 12:30pm 

"do you need me to drive you home?" he offered 

"I have my own car" I said as we walked out of the office  

"you are not driving in your state, cant you get a friend to drive it back for you?" he said, I thought for a second and I stuffed the keys into Eliza's locker with a note saying to drive it home. Lucas took me to the back of the school where he had parked his little car. my stomach was doing flips just thinking about being in a car with him alone, I had no idea why I felt so girly being around him but he made me feel special. I directed him to my house and he opened the door for me and walked me to the front door.  

"thanks for everything Lucas" I said brushing a loose strand of hair behind my ear 

"no problem since I was the one who caused the accident" he said with an uneasy laugh 

"it's ok you rescued me before I hurt myself any worse" I said feeling myself blush 

"well it's ok I didn't mind helping a girl like you" He said with a cheeky smile followed by him blushing. He was just beautifully desirable, he turned around to leave and I felt my stomach lunge  

"Hey do you want to come to my friends party tonight?" I called out to him 

"I'm not really keen for partying maybe another night" he said with a wry smile that I couldn't understand 

"oh..ok I'll see you on Monday" I said with a sad smile, I walked inside and closed the wooden door behind me. My next big problem was what I was going to wear tonight.

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