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Growing up Nina didn't have many fears. She never believed in monsters under her bed, clowns had always been more amusing than frightening and there were many moments where she liked spiders better than people.

Nina grew into her two prominent fears, fire and large bodies of water, through unresolved traumas in her life but as a child, she had commonly been referred to as fearless. The same could not be said for her older sister.

Monica had a plethora of fears, though the one she was most known for was a fear of the dark. Who wouldn't be afraid of the absence of light? Nina could hear her sister ask that question vividly in her head when she was ushered out of the quinjet and had her vision immediately taken from her.

She allowed it as she was escorted through the Playground, only because Simmons had been the one to restrict her vision and promised no one other than the biochemist herself would touch her.

"I hadn't given much thought to my return to headquarters but I definitely didn't expect the bag over my head," Nina muttered as she was pulled to a stop after climbing up a flight of stairs.

"It's only to minimise the gossip until I give a speech about your miraculous resurrection," Nina heard Coulson say as he pulled the black bag off her head. Nina blinked rapidly, trying to adjust to the light as she smiled at her boss, "are you okay?"

"Peachy," was her answer. 

Nina didn't know if Coulson already knew about the boy she'd brought back with her and if he didn't she'd mention it later. Seven had fallen asleep on the quinjet and Simmons had arranged for an agent to take the sleeping boy to one of the bunks, Nina planned to reunite with him once she was done here.

"Have you told them, sir?" Simmons asked and Coulson nodded. Nina didn't know who 'them' were but she did know the information shared was about her.

"How'd they take it?" Nina asked before grabbing Coulson chin and turning his head, "I'm guessing it went well, no new bruises or bloodstains. How boring."

Coulson slapped Nina's hand away from him as he looked at Simmons, "yes, no one punched me this time around."

"I've already apologised profusely for that," Simmons said with a blush, lowering her head slightly, "I really am sorry for hitting you, sir."

"It's alright," Coulson waved off the apology with a smile, "May almost broke my jaw and I forgave her so I have to forgive you."

"Thank you, sir," Simmons said still with pink cheeks. Both Coulson and Nina laughed at the scientist before Coulson laid his hand on the door handle.

"You ready for this?" he asked Nina, who just shrugged.

"As long as no one tries to touch me," she responded and Coulson nodded before pushing down the handle and opening the door.

Coulson and Simmons entered first with Nina following close behind them. The room had been filled with chatter but the moment the door swung open and the trio entered, it succumbed to tense silence. Nina immediately had everyone's eyes on her as she entered, Coulson and Simmons moving out of the way to give everyone a clear look at the newly dead undead girl.

She wasn't bothered by the looks as she just stared at everyone back. May was the first person she noticed and she nodded slightly in her direction before focusing on Trip and Bobbi, who'd left the quinjet before her, and then on the unknowns.

The young Asain America was who she decided to look at first. She was leaning against Coulson's desk, staring at Nina with a wide mouth as she stared back. There was unfiltered emotion behind her eyes and as soon as Nina thought the woman was about to cry she looked away and focused on someone else.

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