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I'm sorta in love with this chapter so I hope you guys love it too. I just wanted to say something before you all dive in.

I've always viewed Ward as inherently evil with childish tendencies. That'll be seen in the latter part of this chapter, so I just want to state that before people start complaining that it's out of character. So without further ado, enjoy the chapter.

WARNING: semi-mature scenes


Quickly after Skye's reappearance, the Bus took off. Nina had stuck with the scientists and the hacker as they moved to the Command Centre, she had originally wanted to go off and do her own thing but the moment FitzSimmons started asking questions about her appearance and where she'd been, the specialist decided to stay.

"How are they all?" Simmons asked, "are you making friends?"

Nina laughed at Simmons' tone, her question was very middle-aged mother of her but she didn't say anything about it as Fitz spoke.

"Yeah. How did you get the intel about the base?"

"Can you control your powers, or...?" Simmons asked and Nina turned to Skye, wanting the answer to that as well because although Skye's powers didn't cause pain in Nina anymore, she really didn't want to chance it.

"Yes. Yes, I-I promise I will tell you guys everything," Skye said, "it's... it's a lot. You may not believe me, but just, not now."

Skye looked past the scientists as she spoke, looking quite anxious while Simmons seemed hurt by her words.

"Well, we're just happy to see you and you're being so secretive," Simmons said.

"You didn't ask me all these questions," Nina pouted, taking the pressure off Skye for a moment, "were you not happy to see me?"

"Of course we were!" Simmons said panicked and Nina laughed softly, "you are just... a lot harder to get answers out of, especially if you don't deem them important."

"The answers or the people asking them?" Nina asked, the team were important to her and she honestly thought they knew that.

"Both, but I know this time it was the former."

"Understandable," she shrugged turning back to Skye and letting her speak.

"I am happy to see you, too, but-" Skye said and Fitz completed the sentence for her.

"Yeah, we've got a mission to do, not much time, blah, blah, blah," he said with a wave of his hand.

"No, Ward is here. I don't want to talk about anything personal in case he's just-" as Skye spoke May, Coulson and Ward entered the room.

"Did I hear my name?" Ward said.

"He's like Candyman," Skye muttered under her breath and Nina choked back a laugh.

"We should review the op," Coulson said as the trio walked towards the table, Nina followed them immediately while her fellow inhuman and the scientist hesitated before doing the same, "Ward, I can't believe I'm saying this... bring us up to speed on Bakshi's intel."

Ward grinned as he hit a few buttons on the table, turning around to look at the monitor behind him as she spoke, "all right, Bakshi's using old HYDRA text channels to provide us with intel, although mu-"

Ward stuttered slightly as he turned back to face the team and was met with Fitz's hostile glance, May's hardened features, Simmons' disappointment, Skye and Coulson's disdain and Nina's blank look that was running different possibilities to kill him.

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