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WARNING I don't know what the fuck this chapter is. I've read it and I don't love it but I need to get an update out so here it is. It isn't edited and feels like a filler chapter but it shows new dynamics being formed so I guess that's a good thing...

I promise the next chapter will be better but for now, here's chapter 16.


A lot of things intrigued Seven.

He found the technology that filled the Playground fascinating and he was amazed by the circuits run by various agents in the training rooms at early hours in the morning. Seven loved wandering, leaving his bunk and walking around the building Nina had allowed him to call home, watching those years older than him, do something they believed in.

Seven wondered if SHIELD's message was something he could believe in as well, but for now, he enjoyed being jobless.

"I don't know, kid," Hunter sighed heavily as Seven poked him, asking a question about schematics he'd seen in the lab. 

Hunter had the privilege of being Seven's prime carer when Fitz and Nina had gone to Australia and Hawaii, since then he'd become an agent Seven was comfortable with.

Comfortable enough to badger with questions he didn't know the answers to.

"But you're an agent," Seven said as he continued to jam his finger into Hunter's cheek while the adult tried to drink his coffee, "shouldn't you know what things are?"

"I don't work the lab. I'm only ever there to watch the game," Hunter gritted his teeth as he responded, "ask Fitz or Simmons."

"I can't find them," Seven pouted as he continued to poke the man. Hunter hissed, turning and grabbing Seven's finger in annoyance.

"Stop poking me!"

"Sorry," Seven shrieked, eyes turning silver. Hunter let go of him quickly, looking down at the ice that now encased the teen's finger, "Miss Nina said it helps you think."

"Of course she did," Hunter sighed, picturing Nina's smug smile.  He didn't get the chance to say anything to the kid before Bobbi entered the room and he immediately stood up, "Bobbi, hey!"

"Hi," Bobbi waved slightly to him before directing the gesture to the blushing teenager, "mornin' Sev, did you sleep alright?"

"Y-yes," Seven stuttered as he became the focus of such a beautiful woman, "di-did you?"

"I did, thank you for asking," Bobbi smiled down at him and Seven looked away, flustered. He tucked his hands into his pockets and rocked on the balls of his feet, smiling at the fact that he'd made her smile.

"Seven, could you give us the room?" Hunter's voice pulled the boy out of his happiness and Seven looked at him.


"Bobbi and I need to talk about... um... adult things,"

"Miss Nina said that using adult things as an explanation isn't valid," Seven immediately responded, "since I was in the room before you came, I'm gonna need a solid reason as to why I should be the one to leave it."

Hunter just looked at him, seeing and hearing so much of his little sister in his response. 

"An uncle... I'm an uncle," Hunter muttered under his breath, loud enough for Bobbi to laugh at but too quiet for Seven to hear. Hunter sighed before speaking to the boy, "I just need to talk to Bobbi about our... relationship."

"Relationship?" Seven repeated startled, his shoulders sinking slightly, "Mister Mack said you two weren't together again and that for the sake of the human race, it should stay that way."

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