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WARNING: there is a depiction of an anxiety attack and the feeling of being extremely anxious exists within the entire chapter. 


The sound of weathered combat boots tapping on the concrete floor echoed through the room. Nina stood in the dining area, overseeing Simmons and the medical team turning the place built for meals into a temporary lab. She couldn't control the anxious rhythm her boots tapped and didn't seem to notice how her clenched fists pressed her nails against her palm.

She was happy Fitz knew her well enough to have forced gloves on her hands or the crescent scars on her palms would have been reopened.

Her worry was on full display and where she didn't love that, she knew that the people around her understood. After all, a call basically stating that Bobbi was closer to death than life would freak anybody out and the other agents weren't going to judge Nina for displaying that. They knew their personal connection and it was almost a relief to them, seeing the Executioner be more human than machine.

Nina, however, wished she was more machinery than flesh and bone because all she could see and feel was pain. She'd been the one to take the call from May, and she could still hear Hunter in the background sobbing as his cries were muffled by what she could only guess was his hand. May hadn't gone into detail about what had happened to Bobbi but that alone told Nina exactly what did.

There was only one topic May refrained from discussing with Nina and that was torture.

Nina didn't think she would ever be able to be spoken to about it, May hadn't even said the word and here she was, standing in the lab in agony as she could almost feel the scars on her body get made.

She felt like she was drowning in concern, not knowing Bobbi's exact injuries or the ways she'd sustained them was driving her mad. She felt insignificant, knowing she didn't possess the skills that could help her and that Ward was most likely long gone by now.

Her inability to catch her breath only seemed to be enhanced by the violent memories forcing themselves to the surface. Memories of her father and sister's death, memories of her team's last moments, memories of getting cut open before and after their demise.

It seemed the ability to see and talk to them didn't resolve the effect watching them die still had on her. 

"Hey, hey. Agent Ramos, look at me," her head raised as she felt hesitant hands touch her shoulders. She blinked rapidly as she focused on the person who had spoken to her.

"Davis?" She questioned, confused to see the brown-haired man standing before her, "what are you doing here?"

"I know I'm never usually near the main team when you're active but I heard about what happened to Bobbi," he said, hands moving away from her shoulders and rubbing her upper arms softly, "I know how close you are with her and how certain topics affect you. Just wanted to know if you were okay."

"Oh... thank you but there was no need. I'm okay."

"You don't look okay, boss. Do you want me to go find Agent Fitz?"

"Fitz?" Nina questioned, tilting her head at the tone Davis had used, "how do you know about Fitz and I?"

"The whole base knows about Agent Fitz and you. Your past, present and possible future," Davis said with a small laugh, "Agent Fitz seems to blabber a lot when he's excited. The whole base knew you two were back together an hour after you returned."

"That... that actually doesn't surprise me," Nina smiled a little, rubbing the back of her neck in an attempt to dispel her anxiety, "but I promise, I am okay. If I couldn't hold a conversation then Fitz would be a good call but I'm fine. Just a little... on edge."

[2] An Executioner's Requiem | Leo FitzWhere stories live. Discover now