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This chapter embodies these thoughts;

1) Nobody lies to you more than you lie to yourself but at the same time no one tells you the truth in the way you tell yourself the truth.

2) All that you are is enough and perfect.

These are two concepts I live by. They keep me sane and they help me grow closer to finding my true happiness. I thought I'd share them for anyone who needed to hear them today <3

I hope you enjoy the chapter!!


There was something about Robert Gonzalez that May found borderline comedic and she couldn't help but notice it as she watched him in front of her. She was in the basement, in the cell that had previously housed Ward and Bakshi, simply watching as he flipped through a file in front of her.

"Is it true that Fury asked you to spy on Coulson because of these GH-325 transfusions?" He asked and May just stared at him blankly. Even though she was locked up, she still found it incredibly amusing that Gonzalez thought he was in charge, "is it also true that Coulson himself asked you to put a bullet in his head because of it?"

Again May didn't speak. Her arms remained crossed over her chest as her fingers tapped meaningless rhythms on her clothing. She wondered if Coulson had found Skye yet and she hoped that Nina was okay, wherever she was.

"That's the man that you helped escape. A man that Fury didn't trust, a man that you yourself didn't trust, a man that didn't even trust himself," May watched as he grabbed his cane and stood up, moving closer to the barrier between them, "there's loyalty and there's stubbornness. Tell me, Agent May... are you loyal to Coulson or to SHIELD?"

May tilted her head at Gonzalez before pushing off the wall she'd been leaning on and moving towards him, "they're the same."

"Coulson's powered pet tried to kill seven of our agents..." Gonzalez deadpanned, moving so close to the barrier that the forcefield flashed orange for a second, "dedicated SHIELD agents with families and you're gonna say that they're the same?"

"You sent an army of agents to hunt Skye down," May said, the use of the word 'tried' told her the 'pet' Gonzalez was talking about wasn't Nina, "it's a primal instinct to fight when your life is threatened. Coulson also had nothing to do with Skye's powers, Nina's either. They were caused by a weapon in Hydra's possession."

"That you were chasing because of some voices in Coulson's head."

"We were pursuing Hydra because that's our job. It's what we should all be doing right now instead of wasting our time on some witch hunt!" May glared into the security camera in the cell as she spoke, knowing that it was very likely someone was watching her.

What she didn't know was that the person was Bobbi, and her words helped cast greater doubt on the SHIELD she was loyal to.

"Coulson should be in the index with Agent Skye and Ramos," Gonzalez said as he turned his focus back to a file, "you of all people know what happens when powered people lose control."

May shot him a look of mild confusion that formed into one of regret and annoyance as he held up the file for her to see. It was labelled After Action Report, Bahrain and May took one look at it before turning away.

"You had to put one down," Gonzalez said as May inhaled sharply, "isn't that why they call you The Calvary?"

May nodded a few times, taking a deep breath to compose herself before turning back to face him, "is that what you want? To put down Coulson, Skye and Nina?"

[2] An Executioner's Requiem | Leo FitzWhere stories live. Discover now