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I stumbled across the above song randomly last night and I've been thinking about it all day. I literally listened to it once and it was on my mind all through work, like I'm surprised my ass didn't get fired with how distracted I was today.

I think it's their first song, so be sure to show it some love and support a new artist.

Check it out Can You Feel It? by Lyra.


Soft chuckles filled the lab, causing a few stray agents to face the source with puzzled looks. They were a little surprised to hear such the sound leave the scientist who hardly spoke loud enough to be heard, even Mack couldn't help but smile as he watched the scene in front of him unfold.

Seven sat at the table Fitz had been using as a desk, with a book in his hand while Fitz stood over him, peering down at the words. The teenager was looking at Fitz expectantly, waiting for him to explain a word he didn't understand.

"Dislodge," Fitz said, pointing to the word he'd read and Seven nodded, "it's when you knock something out of its position."

Seven continued to look at Fitz a little confused and the engineer responded by reaching forward and unplugging his computer. Seven looked at the action as his confusion grew.

"See the plug was original in the wall but now it's not," Fitz explained as Seven's eyes brightened when he got the point, "I've dislodged it. Do you understand?"

"Yes. Thank you, Mister Fitz," Seven smiled and Fitz nodded, giving the boy a smile before walking back to Mack and answering the question he'd walked away from to help Seven.

"Yes, theoretically, all those points have to be connected," he said, choosing to ignore the smile on the larger man's face.

He didn't notice Simmons enter the lab, neither did Mack, but Seven did. He looked up from the book for a moment and looked at the biochemist before focusing back on the words inviting him into a different world.

"Damn, Fitz. You're right," Mack said clapping him on the shoulder as his smile broadened, "you're right."

"Why do you look so surprised?" Fitz pouted as Simmons paused at the counter, not knowing if she should interrupt their conversation. Fitz looked happy but the idea of giving up her title of his best friend to Mack, hurt more than she wanted to admit.

"Well..." Mack started, the smile never dropping from his face.

"Well, yeah. Well, I'd probably be surprised-" Fitz was quick to cut himself off. He'd turned to check on Seven and didn't expect to see Simmons standing there, "oh, h-hey Simmons."

"Hi Fitz," she said giving him a smile as she walked further into the room.

"The explosives... Mack was just... he saw the, um..." Fitz struggled to explain what he wanted to say and with a quick look towards the tall teddy bear, Mack jumped in.

"Yeah, he kept mentioning backlogged files, and, you know, half the stuff he says is nonsense," Mack said in a joking tone causing Fitz to immediately refute the comment.

"No, it's not."

Mack just laughed at Fitz before beckoning Simmons over and showing what the pair had managed to do, "check this out. It turns out these bombs are actually from the 1940s and they were developed by a HYDRA scientist that worked for-"

"The Red Skull," Mack and Fitz said together before Mack allowed Fitz to continue, "not nonsense and designer."

"Yeah, and the actual designer of the bombs is a guy named..." Mack hit a button on the computer to show an old fashioned photo, "Vincent Beckers."

[2] An Executioner's Requiem | Leo FitzWhere stories live. Discover now