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Nina sat in the holding cell of the Bus bored out of her mind. She was in the exact same cell that she'd spent a few days in when the team first found out about her powers, and it was clear nobody had been in there since as it was exactly how she'd left it.

The bed was made, hospital corners to please her Dad, her empty flask sat on the nightstand and a book, Every Day, rested next to it. As she looked at the orange cover, she smiled as she remembered Fitz reading it to her. The short bat of happiness disappeared quickly and she dropped herself onto the, surprisingly not dusty, floor and sighed heavily.

She'd been separated from Coulson the moment Mack and Bobbi had cuffed them. Coulson, being directed to the Bus before Nina, as Gonzalez's orders required a pride of men to escort her to the vehicle.

Something Nina found very amusing.

People being afraid of her wasn't a new thing and usually bothered her, but she thought the fear in the eyes of the straight-laced men that directed her to her cell, to be hilarious.

It was why a grin found its way onto her face when a knock was heard on the door a few minutes into the flight. The knock was simply out of courtesy as she was aware that her cell was being guarded by two heavily armed men but she appreciated it regardless.

"Come in," she called out, pulling her left leg over her right as she twisted her body to face the door.

Nina wasn't surprised to see Mack walk in, after all, he and Bobbi were the only ones she wouldn't seriously harm if they attempted to question her... at least not yet.

"I thought the interrogation would start after we landed," Nina said as she grinned up at the large man. She was already quite shorter than him and looking up at him while she sat on the floor made him seem like a giant, "but you are full of surprises, aren't you?"

"I'm not here to interrogate you," he said as he closed the door behind him. As he did so, Nina could hear Melody in her head, subtly freaking out about the man's physique but she understood and didn't see a point in scolding the dead.

"Sedate me?" She questioned and when Mack shook his head rapidly, she tilted her head in confusion, "what then... are you going to kill me?"

"What no! Of course, not!" He explained, holding up his hands. As she did so, Nina caught sight of the roll of bandages in his hand and antiseptic wipes, "I just wanted to treat your cut before it got infected."

"My cut?" Nina questioned. As she recounted the fight at the office building she looked down at her exposed arms, not finding any torn flesh or bruises before reaching up and touching her forehead. Finding the injury he was referring to, "oh... I didn't know I got cut."

"I'm not surprised," Mack said with a cautious laugh, "a fight with such an aftermath must have created a lot of adrenaline."

"I was actually relatively calm through it all," Nina corrected him as she stood up, and dropped herself onto the bed. She tucked the stray strands of her hair behind her ear indicating that Mack could proceed, which he did, "I've been in worse situations."

He stepped closer to her and placed the items down on the table. When he pulled out a wipe and brought it to her cut, he expected her to pull away but she didn't even flinch as the cold material touched her. It made Mack a little sad knowing that her body had grown so accustomed to pain that it had learnt not to react to minor levels of it.

"You could write a book with the number of things you've been through," he said softly as he treated her, Nina kept her eyes on him as she did so, fascinated that his touch was almost as soft as Simmons' when she treated her.

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