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Throughout this book and the rest of the series, Nina will be referring to Hunter using a plethora of names. These names are Amadeus, Lance and Hunter.

She calls him Amadeus because it's his legal name and what she's been calling him since they first met. Nina mainly calls him Lance when they're around other people, but she will forget to most of the time. She will only call him Hunter in really tense and professional settings, when she's hiding something or when she's mad at him.

Lastly, if at any point she calls him by his full name, Amadeus Ravenclaw Hunter, he better run because she might kill him.

This is your introduction to the Ramos-Hunter sibling dynamic, I hope you like reading it as much as I like writing it.

WARNING! There is a very vague mention of being suicidal in this chapter. It isn't in-depth and is mentioned only in dialogue.


When Nina had called May to let her know she was joining the op, May hadn't expected to see the teenager following her up the ramp. Nina didn't seem to think it was a big deal as she just smiled and waved enthusiastically while May cocked her head at the boy.

Seven was wearing a black backpack and she could make out parts of a SHIELD uniform under his navy blue jacket. He had an equally as large smile plastered on his face and May wasn't surprised, considering he was also holding a large cone of pink candyfloss, in addition to a blue Slurpee.

"Hiya Miss May," Seven beamed, mirroring the wave. May didn't say anything but Seven's smile never faulted.

"You brought the kid?" she asked once Nina got close enough and Seven focused on increasing his blood sugar. Nina looked at her confused before the question resonated in her head.

"Oh, yeah," she shrugged, "he hasn't seen much of the world, so I figured he deserved to."

"And you thought an active mission was the best place for him to see it?" May asked and Nina nodded with a sheepish smile.

"Boston has nice amusement parks," was her answer. Seven's eyes brightened at the mention of an amusement park. Nina had taken a quick pitstop at one and the pair went on a bunch of rollercoasters before calling May, "also Seven's probably more help than my brother."

"Anyone's more help than Hunter," May stated, ignoring the sound of betrayal the Brit produced in her earpiece, "I'm not letting him in the field."

"Neither am I," Nina responded with a shrug, "he's still a kid."

"I'm 14," Seven rebutted, to which Nina turned around. She pinched his cheek teasingly and spoke in a childish voice.

"A baby," she said and Seven swatted away her hand. He pouted but didn't argue, only taking a large sip of his Slurpee and wincing when the cold reached his brain.

Seven walked away from the two women, taking a seat on the floor in front of the wall of straps. He set down the blue Slurpee and the, now empty, candyfloss cone on the floor. While May filled Nina in on Ward's current whereabouts and the Hydra agent, Bakshi, he'd met up with, Seven allowed his pupils to glaze over.

The blue was quickly replaced by a warm red and Seven's hands tinted orange. He could feel heat travel up from his palm to his fingertips and he gently touched the plastic cup holding this artificial blue liquid. Seven concentrated on the touch before moving his fingers away a few seconds later.

The orange of his hands quickly disappeared and Seven picked up the Slurpee once more. This time when he took a sip his brain didn't hurt and a wide smile took over his face.

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