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WARNING: mention of a less than ideal coming out story and slightly disordered eating. It may not need a TW but it could bring up unpleasant memories, so I'm putting one up anyway. 


Nina stood, leaning up against a counter in the lab, watching as Cal got brought in on a stretcher and Simmons took out the defibrillator. She didn't really want to save the man, but Coulson did so she wasn't going to argue.

"Is she really trying to save the man that vowed to kill you all?" a voice only Nina could hear said, she turned around to see the blue-tinted bodies of her late team facing her.

Sara had been the one to speak from her position on the floor beside her and Nina nodded her greeting at everyone before answering.

"This team's got a lot more sympathy than we did," she whispered, not wanting to alert the agents around her as until the ghosts touched her, it would look like she was speaking to the air.

"We were sympathetic," Adam pouted, causing everyone to turn and look at the man who sat on top of the counter with his legs dangling over the edge.

"Do you not know how many children we orphaned?" Tristan asked surprised by the statement, as he pulled himself onto the counter next to him.

"Their parents were terrorists," Adam rebutted.

"How about that one guy Sara killed for kidnapping the first son and trying to assassinate the president, even though his dad forced him to do it by poisoning his kids and threatening to not give them the antidote until the president was dead?" Melody asked, bracing her hands on the counter and leaning towards him.

"In our defence, we found out the circumstances after-"

"I put a nine millimetre through his eye," Sara completed with a smile while Adam looked at her and sighed, "the left one to be exact."

"I remember that, it was one hell of a report I had to give,"  Nina grimaced slightly as she remembered how hard the agents that validated her missions had read into her while she attempted to justify her team's actions.

"Okay fine, maybe we weren't the most sympathetic," Adam muttered.

"Giving up already?" Tobias questioned with a grin, smiling at Nina for a moment before moving to tease his teammate, "we didn't even get to the part where you set off a bunch of sarin bombs to wipe out that nazi syndicate."

"Oh, I remember that," Melody chimed in, "I swear that's some kind of war crime."

While the deceased members of the team laughed at Adam's pout, Nina just shook her head with a small smile.

"Alright let's leave Hart alone," she spoke softly, going to pat the man's back, pausing before she touched him. Now wouldn't be the best time to allow one of her ghosts to be seen, "there's no harm in a man wanting to believe his humanity is still intact."

"You know, your support somehow hurts more."

Nina chuckled slightly, muttering a small sorry to Adam before focusing on what was happening in the room. She left the ghosts to talk amongst themselves, as she watched Simmons hit Cal with the defibrillator paddles.

"Clear!" the biochemist yelled out as she looked at the monitor.

"No response," Fitz said.

"We can't lose him," Coulson sighed.

"I thought you said he wanted to kill us?" Nina couldn't help but smile at the fact that her engineer shared her team's point of view.

"He's Skye's father, we have to at least try."

[2] An Executioner's Requiem | Leo FitzWhere stories live. Discover now