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Being in an enclosed space with a person who tried to kill you without being able to return the favour was proving very difficult for Fitz and Nina.

The scientist sat sandwiched between Hunter and Coulson, while Nina sat on the other side of her brother. Everyone on the jet looked rather calm, apart from Fitz who couldn't control the bounce of his leg and kept his hand on the holster of his gun.

His eyes were glued on the traitor in front of them while Nina's were focused on a book and the page it had remained on since it was opened. She'd ditched the headphones, knowing that she was going to have to hear Ward's voice sooner or later and elected to try to keep herself anchored from the moment he stepped on the plane.

"Bakshi reached out, arranged a meeting with Dr List," Coulson said. He wasn't oblivious to the state of his two agents but hadn't made a comment on it.

"And are we sure we trust Stepford Bakshi?" Hunter asked, he was being incredibly attentive to his sister. Offering her a few of the over-sugared sweets from the pack of gummy worms he'd asked Coulson to pick up. She didn't look up from her book and simply opened her mouth, Hunter didn't hesitate to feed her one.

"Trust might be a little strong," the director responded.

"Bakshi's been instructed to act exactly as he would have... before," Ward said.

"Before the brainwashing?" Hunter questioned, no one noticing Ward's subtle glance towards Nina, "oh, well, in that case, I feel comforted."

"Any questions?" Coulson asked the crowd.

"How much longer?" Agent 33 was the one to respond. As she spoke Hunter tapped Fitz's hand, trying to calm him down but the engineer was quick to pull his hand away.

"A couple hours," Peterson answered and Fitz let out a deep sigh that Ward didn't seem to notice.

It prompted the man to do something stupid... like talk to the engineer.

"So, Fitz..." Ward said, putting on a smile while Fitz looked at him blankly, "how've you been?"

Fitz tried... he really did. He squeezed his eyes shut, trying really hard to keep his cool and not explode but Ward's audacity made such an attempt pointless. He snapped his eyes open and didn't hesitate to jump up, launching himself at Ward while Hunter and Coulson rose to restrain him.

"Hey! Hey, hey, hey!" Coulson yelled as Hunter grabbed a hold of the man, turning him away from Ward, "sit down, Agent Fitz."

Ward gulped slightly at Fitz's reaction and the growing tension in the plane. Coulson just stared Fitz down for a moment, silently telling him that it was okay to hate Ward but that he could act on those feelings later, before the three men retook their seats.

Once they sat down, Nina stood up and without saying a word, she commanded everyone's attention.

The book that had been in her hand was dropped carelessly on the floor as she took slow and almost silent steps towards Ward. Hunter tensed, Fitz displayed no outward reaction while Coulson inhaled sharply. The director could easily talk Fitz down but Nina wasn't the same. Where she usually heeded his orders, he was certain that no order he could give now would stop her from acting however she wanted.

"Do you think this is funny?" she asked quietly as she stopped in front of Ward, hand going towards his thigh as she grabbed and squeezed him.

"What?" the man asked with an equally as quiet voice as he hissed at the feeling of her blunt nails digging into his flesh. Beside him, Kara looked confused to see genuine fear in his brown eyes.

"Or is it that you think we're friends just because we came to you for answers? Do you think just because we're on the same jet you have the right to talk to us?" Nina watched Ward's adam's apple bob up and down, he was nervous and knowing that made her grin, "if I didn't respect Coulson as much as I do, you would've been dead the moment you answered that phone... or at least on your knees."

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