Chapter 4: You can't do that

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"Babe? Hurry up down there!" I heard Mr Way shout

"Shut up!" I called back because he's doing my head in, I'm trying to make him food and stay on his good side to avoid losing my job and bed but he's just being a dick for the sake of it and I hate those stupid nicknames he calls me.

"Sugar! You wouldn't say that to me if I was standing in front of you, now would you?" He shouted downstairs to me

I stayed silent and made him his breakfast and some for myself

"Hmm? You're all quiet now aren't you!?"

I hurried so that I could go up and speak to him properly again. I brought him his breakfast in bed.

"You're getting brave aren't you?" He said as I handed him his plate "you wouldn't say it to me at work so you don't say it here"

I nodded and sat beside him. "You're a bully" I told him

He laughed at me "no I'm not"

"Yes you are but I bet you're actually really soft and sweet you're just too afraid..."

"Well you're gonna be very disappointed then aren't you, because this is who I am, babe"

"Why are you proud of that? You're awful"

"So so brave to be talking to me like that in my own home when you're basically homeless!" He spat

"Because you're being horrible just for the sake of it" I sulked

"right that's it. I've had enough of you and your whining! From now on you only speak when spoken to and if it's really is urgent you tap me on the shoulder." He said sounding really annoyed

"You can't do that-"

"Speak again and you'll get a smack in the mouth." He said bluntly

I just nodded and got back into bed beside him. What am I meant to do if he doesn't allow me to speak? If he hates me so bad then why does he have me sleep in his bed? Why did he cuddle me last night?

"You gonna say sorry, sweetheart?"


"Without speaking!"

I looked at him puzzled

"You can say sorry other ways and I know you don't have money to buy me something. But you can kiss me sorry..." he said blushing slightly as he said it

I shook my head

"Just on the cheek?" He said desperately "you know I get angry when I don't get what I want..." he said in a low voice

I slowly leaned closer to him and kissed his cheek gently, his skin was so soft against my lips it was only a quick peck though because I don't want to be kissing him

"Nobody kisses me anymore, sugar, they all hate me..." he sighed

"Because you treat everyone like shit!"

"This is your last warning!" He shouted getting angry and threatening to smack me

I moved as far away on the bed from his as possible

"Shh Shh now if I wanted your opinion I would've asked."

I just went to sleep because I didn't have anything to do. When I woke up I could hear Mr Way moaning and breathing heavily. I wanted to see what he was doing but I think I know what he's doing and I don't want to have it confirmed.

It's disgusting why would he do that?

After the noises stopped he was catching his breath then he cried. I'd never heard or seen him cry until now  but I don't wanna look at him because he'll get mad. "Nobody likes me" "I just want someone to love me" he sobbed, it was almost enough for me to feel bad for the guy. I want to give him a cuddle to make it better, but I hate him so much why do I want to do that? He just had a wank next to me when he thought I was sleeping he's really not okay in the head.

I can tell that he's deeply insecure but I still hate him so much he has no respect for other people and only thinks about himself and I don't fuckin' know why he's letting me live with him but I don't like him being so horrible, telling me to be quiet all the time when he's so horrible to me.

He gently shook me "wakey wakey" he said softly to me

I rubbed my eyes and looked at him accidentally keeping eye contact just a bit too long. He winked at me which made me very uncomfortable.

"You've got work soon, babe, I need you to get ready, you can get changed here if you like"

I nodded in response and got my outfit and went into the bathroom and showered and then changed. When I was done I went back into the bedroom and Mr Way was back in a suit and he did look handsome I couldn't help but gazing at his lips and wondering what they'd be like to kiss. It felt so wrong to think that. "You like what you see" he smirked

I sighed and looked away

"Maybe you could have a little practice on me?" He smirked raising an eyebrow

I looked at him confused

"You can slide down my pole if you like" he whispered in my ear in a low voice

"Ewww" I squealed and almost smacked him in the face but I stopped myself

"Come on, sugar, you know you want to, imagine how nice it would feel if I was inside you" he said in a breathy voice

I backed away from him and shook my head

"I'm not an evil man, babe, but if I was I'd just do it anyway...well it's your loss" he smirked

Just as I was starting to feel bad for him he was saying all these things "what happened 'I wouldn't touch you for love nor money'?" I said to him rolling my eyes

"I wouldn't but you can't blame a man for trying" he laughed

When we got to the club I went straight to work because he made us late with his antics.

I know he doesn't like all the men watching me and I hate it as well but I like him not having power so I can tease him. Once my shift was over a man came up to me "can I give you a good time, babe?" I knew Mr Way was watching so I agreed.

"Y/n" first Mr Way called quietly and gently but after a while "y/n! Get here you fucking bitch!" He was so cross and he was dragging me off this guy...

Mr Way and the stripper  [Gerard Way x female reader]Where stories live. Discover now