Chapter 2: I hate him so much

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This evening I was just sitting here at work because I got there early to avoid clashing with Mr Way again. I sat outside the dressing room already changed and a few minutes later he showed up.

"Early today?" He said sounding surprised


"I just want you on time honestly you can't do anything right" he complained. And he was right. Nothing I do will ever be good enough.

After a while it was my shift so I went downstairs and started dancing and stripping as well as smiling because that's what he wanted. The whole time I was working I could only think of what Mr Way had said to me before about how I could never do anything right and it just hurt me to be honest.

After my shift I sat outside the changing rooms once again just cooling off a bit because it gets really hot down there in the club. And the next thing I know Mr Way is standing in front of me once again. "Sugar. I can tell you're enjoying this job a little too much for my liking ,babe, your clients love you and I'm worried that you're gonna start selling yourself to them after as well" I couldn't tell if he was joking or not but his words pissed me off.

"You know what I can't do anything right here so what's the fucking point?!" I shouted finally having had enough of him

He noticed that he'd upset me so he sat with me on the bench outside the dressing room and I just cried, he put his arm around my shoulders in an attempt to comfort me "I don't mean to make you sad" he sighed

"You'll never understand me. I've got nothing. All you ever do is have a go at me you don't know what it's like for me!"

"I know, babe, I know isn't easy for you but-"

"No you don't you just keep stealing my money. I could go to the police if I really wanted to"

"No don't do that. Do you really think they'll listen to a little stripper girl? When I'm a business man in a suit."

He was right and I just cried more. He held me next to him as I just cried more and more until I'd ran out of tears. "I'm poor. I have no family. I have no friends. I don't even have a home and you're taking every little thing I still have!"

"No no my business is in trouble it's hard for me as well"

"Sure" I mumbled

"Fine then no need to be ungrateful I was only trying to talk to you with respect!" he said getting up and leaving me alone.

He was so confusing. His mind would change so quick. But I just stayed there. I didn't want to get changed. I just sat there in a tiny costume that barely covered anything, and I didn't move I stayed there all evening curled up in a ball with my knees to my chest and my head on my knees, I stayed like this until Mr Way came to lock up and saw me still sat alone.

"Calmed down a bit babe?" He smirked.

"I hate you." I muttered

"Sugar. Please? Listen to me?" He said softly squatting down below me to get my attention "you're being selfish. I can't help that my business is in trouble and quite frankly it's not my fault nor my problem that your life's terrible"

"You just disrespect me, you don't care about anyone but yourself!"

"Look I'm your boss not your friend so I suggest you go back to wherever you live and have a sleep and then you come back tomorrow and say sorry"

"Whatever." I said getting up and walking off. I went back to my hotel room. If I wasn't so skint then maybe I wouldn't go back to my job ever again but I really didn't have a choice.

I went to bed. All I wanted was someone to love me. To take care of me. But I guess that's too much to ask. As I went to sleep I dreamed of Mr Way again. Come to think of it, it was a nightmare, he stole all my money for good I ended up on the streets without a job. As I woke up I remembered the dream and felt so scared. How could I ever escape him?

I went out to the shop to get some food then I took it home and ate it. Once evening came around I walked to work and was on time for once "well done, babe, you're on time" Mr Way said to me but he still sounded sarcastic

He doesn't even know my name. He always calls me those nicknames and I really don't like it.

I went into the changing room and put on my little pink outfit. Then I waited on the bench outside the dressing room.

"So have you got something to say to me?"


"Gonna say sorry for the way you spoke to me yesterday?" He said softly

"Sorry..." I just said I really couldn't be dealing with him getting angry or me losing my job.

He gave me a quick hug and I didn't like that one bit but I let him anyway.

"It's okay" he said his tone still so soft
"You go down there and you dance for all those men and get your money"

I nodded and went down into the club for once I didn't feel as bad about myself because Mr Way made me feel appreciated for once. The part of the job that I hated the most was when men would touch me without asking and if I complained they'd say I should never have got a job here then. Mr Way was watching me tonight I was sat on some man's lap but Mr Way didn't like it so he started to shout at me "Sugar. Get off him." He said to me so I quickly complied and went back to the pole.

When my shift had finally finished I went back upstairs. I really can't stand this job. No one treats me like a person not even Mr Way. All the other girls here hate me because I get so much attention from him, they don't know that most of the attention he gives me isn't nice and that I don't even want it. I just sat on the bench staring at the floor just sad at everything that'd ever happened to me. I saw him come up the stairs "you shouldn't be such an attention seeker" he said to me sounding genuinely annoyed

"But sir that's kind of what the job includes-"

"No it doesn't." He said completely cutting me off

"Why do you always pick on me but nobody else?" I asked him

"I don't."

"Is it because I'm an easy target? Because I don't have anyone or anything..."

He just laughed to himself and shook his head "I don't pick on you, babe, you're not special"

His words hurt me a lot. I knew he wasn't nice but I didn't know he was actually that horrible. I know I'm not special but him saying that hurt me a lot. I got dressed took my bag and headed back to the hotel that I sleep in.

Mr Way and the stripper  [Gerard Way x female reader]Where stories live. Discover now