Chapter 7: you can live without this lifestyle

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Sorry for the break guys this story is continuing I just got distracted cos I had a boyfriend but he cheated on me with a man, anyway back to the story...

"How you gonna pay me then, baby?"'

"Anything just nothing sexual" I sobbed

"Nothing sexual? Sugar, why do you think I have you? If you didn't wanna do anything sexual then you should've picked a different job"

"Please just give me a few days and I'll think of something" I pleaded

"Hmmmn alright then" he reluctantly agreed

"Also I lost more money on the horses"

"Stop gambling then. Is that how you ended up like this in the first place?"

His face turned red, he was all embarrassed. I'd never seen him like this before. He went and sat down on his chair and I sat on his lap and put my arms around his neck. I hated him but I still wanted to feel close to him because he seemed upset and I don't like seeing him like that.

"Yeah...I lost everything to gambling and I very nearly lost my house last year because of it" he sighed

"Gee you need help you can't live like this" I actually felt bad for him "it sounds like you have an addiction"

"It's just a bit of fun" he sighed

"Really? Because that's not what it sounds like to me"

"Come on baby stick to what you know don't start telling me how to live my life"

"I wasn't I'm just saying-"

"I don't wanna hear it." He said sternly so I just shut up and gave him a hug. He hated being vulnerable, but all this was his fault. He has a gambling problem and that's why his business is going under.

"Gee? Please let me help you?"

"Look when you've recovered from your injury I want you to give me every single dollar that you earn"

"Okay I will as long as you promise not to use it to gamble"

"Of course I won't" he said and he sounded genuine. Why the fuck am I trusting him? He's been nothing but horrible to me and also it's his fault he's in the position he's in. "I used to have it all you know? Used to have loads of businesses, loads of women, money, cars...So I started playing poker and putting bets on and all that...I eventually lost most of it and now this club is all I have left and I'm barely hanging on to this" he sighed and I swear I saw a tear leave his eye. It was so weird to see such a dominant, harsh man like this and even though he's nasty to me I want to help him.

"Please, Gee? Don't do this anymore, you can live without this lifestyle." I said worriedly

"I've tried, I really have, but it's difficult" he whispered to me trying to stop himself crying. I stayed close to him. I didn't want to see him hurting like this. I wouldn't wish this on anyone not even him.

"Please just let me help you? We can do this together..."

"Hmmmm I'm not sure about that" he sighed "sugar, you know I'll end up hurting you..."

"You won't. Please just let me help you out you're really not in a good place"

"Okay but remember I didn't ask you to do this so you can't use it against me"

"I would never do that anyway"

"Good. And if you do start disrespecting me then I'll make sure you're punished"

I just silently nodded in confusion. I want him to get better but if he thinks he can keep pushing me around then he's got another thing coming. I don't like his attitude though sometimes on rare occasions he's nice to me but most of the time he's just been treating me bad and I don't like it. Sometimes I think though that if he disappeared from my life I'd miss him a bit I just don't know how to feel anymore. I can't argue with him too much though otherwise I'm homeless and he knows that and I know for a fact he'll use it to his advantage.

"Gee, I'm not here to hurt you I want to help you I mean I know you haven't been the nicest to me but at least you've given me a place to stay and now I want to help you"

He shrugged. He didn't say a word in response he just looked at me I think he understood but by thanking me he'd see it as a weakness.

"I'll do whatever I can to help you get better" I told him

"Hmm well when you get better you can pay me back with the money you earn then we'll discuss this" he said as he took my hand and we headed into the car park to go home.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2021 ⏰

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