Prince Rude!

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The Clans were having a wonderful dinner, they were laughing, telling jokes, Hana and tenko arguing who gets the last egg roll, and kiego snuggling up to touya every 5 seconds.

Tenko: mother, father! We have finished our food!

AFO: alright, now get y'all little asses on somewhere!

Tenko: Father you are toxic!

The Royal teens then went upstairs while the adults stayed and chat over some things.
While they all were heading upstairs, they somehow got separated because of the house being that big.

Tenko: hey Hana?

Hana: hm?

Tenko: where did everyone go?

Hana: this house is big as hell, you didn't expect them to get lost in the matter of seconds?

Tenko: eh, you got a point

-With touya and kiego-

Kiego: this place is huge isn't it?

Touya: yea, it's pretty huge

Kiego: anyways didn't you think he was rude back there?

Touya: who?

Kiego: Tenko dumbass!

Touya: he seems cool to me, the way he roasted you was priceless

Kiego: well I have feelings ya know!?

Touya: yea, whatever you say birdy

Kiego then pouted but blushed at the name touya gave him when they first met, not paying attention that touya went down another hallway which he soon noticed and tried to catch up.
But something caught his attention so he went another way. Touya then stopped and looked up at a big porchate it was a family they had on all gold and black, but then he realized it was The Shigaraki Clan, he was impressed how they were dressed, and he could see the girls were obsessed with glitter. But then his eyes caught something else, Tenko. He stared at tenko and gave a little smirk.
But he then jumped a little in fright as a hand slowly rested upon his shoulder. He turned around to see a boy with his white wavy hair down to his shoulders, and wearing black and red PJ's.

Tenko: hey you dad said you guys are leaving now

Touya: oh, okay shorty

Touya, proudly about to walk off but, was stopped by tenko. Tenko then pulled him in closer in anger making touya blush a little.

Tenko: what the fuck did you just call me!?

Touya: Shorty

Tenko: call me that again I promise! I'll make sure you'll never marry that bird!

Touya stared into tenko's eyes, and saw anger, and full brat mode. He then took tenko's hand off his shirt, grabbed him by the throat and hand, and pinned him to the wall. And stared deeply into Tenko's eyes, tenko didn't give no fear but glared.

Touya: Now listen you little brat, you don't get to tell me what to do nor tell me who I can or can't marry! Got it?!

Tenko: I don't give 2 fucks! And you! Don't get to call me shorty!

Touya: you fiesty little bitch! You know what!? The next time you even talk to me, I'll burn your ass alive!

Tenko: and if you don't get the fuck off of me I will dust yo ass... Now we're even! Now GO!

Touya, getting more mad tightened his grip on tenko's throat and hand making tenko tear up a little.

Touya: ohh~ is prince rude gonna cry?

Tenko: no, but you will

Touya was confused to the statement until he felt a knee hit his balls, that gave him the most painful stomach ache In history, which had him on his knee's gripping his groin. Then once tenko got lose, he kicked touya square In the face and ran off to his room.

-Time Skip- 8:07 AM
Tenko yawned as the sunlight hit his tired face, he opened his eyes a little and grunted. He then got up, and took a shower, brushed his teeth, washed his face, and brushed his hair. He then put on a random white shirt and pants, and then he walked out of his room with kurogiri, and sako waiting for him down stairs.

Kurogiri: morning Tenko! How did you sleep?

Tenko: not so well

Sako: how so?

Tenko: The Todoroki Clan!

Kurogiri: oh! Well save that for your family cause they're waiting on you to explain in the kitchen, and we made you breakfast🍳☕🍞

Tenko: thanks

Tenko then walked in the kitchen and sat down, then looked up to see his family looking at him.

AFO: explain

Tenko: before I say anything... He offended me by my height

Hana: well, did you have a reason why you kicked him in the dick with you knee

Tenko: because he threatened me, and grabbed me by my neck and hand while pinning me to the wall

Nao: oh dear, well... If it was in self defense... Then I quess we couldn't blame you

Hana: jeez and all I thought Prince Touya wasn't an ass hole anymore!

AFO: can't trust Clans these days!

Tenko: tell me about it

817 Words

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