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The shigaraki family made it to their final destination, and went crazy! They were all over the place looking for outfits, Nao was trying on multiple outfits, while hana got lost. Shigaraki was throwing outfits that he didn't like until he accidentally threw tenko across the place.

AFO: Oop! Sorry son!

Tenko: IT'S OKAY!
(yea he's lying😒)

As Tenko was getting up after getting throw into a pile of clothes, he patted his clothing making sure no dust got on it. But then he heard a unfamiliar voice greet him, but wasn't really "unfamiliar".

Kai: well well well, what a surprise to see my fiance at a expensive place like this

Tenko: um, first of all! Me and my family go to this place a lot! And second! Who the ever living FUCK! Said I was your fiance?! And thir-

Everything went to silence... Tenko, in shock slowly raised his hand where the sting lied. He then slowly turned his head back to an angry Kai, and his blood... Started to boil, Then everything started to turn red. Tenko couldn't see anything expect Kai, and bloody red all around him. The voices started to blur, while Tenko's vision towards Kai became clearer.
The other's weren't paying attention cause they were buying their clothes, and hana was still lost in the fucking place😑
But as soon as Kai started yelling some bullshit, tenko lost full control of his body like he did with touya but, in a murderous manner.
Tenko then looked deeply and deadly into Kai's eyes, which made Kai go silent.
The way Tenko was looking into his yellow eyes made him regret his decisions very quickly.
But it was to late to apologize, cause as soon as Kai was going to apologize, Tenko raised his hand and a few seconds later a loud backhand slap got everyone's attention, then went back to what they were doing since Kai's the most hated by Clans and peasants.

Nao: sweetie! We're leaving now!

Tenko: okay I'm coming... I just need a minute!

Kai: ...

Tenko: now listen here you piece of useless shit! You will not disrespect me! And I don't care if I'm your fiance! We. Are. Not. Getting. Married.
And I better not see you anywhere at that wedding or it's not gonna end pretty! Got it!?

Kai: ...

Tenko: that's what the hell I thought... Bitch! Hana! Let's go with yo lost ass!

Hana: finally! I thought I wouldn't find you, mom, or dad!

As Hana made her way to tenko, she gave a death stare at Kai as soon as tenko started to walk off, then she followed behind.

Words 445

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