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Hana: hey guys...?

Himiko: hm?

Jin: wot?

Hana: I haven't seen Ten or Touya in 32 Minutes, have you guys seen them?

Himiko: no, I was in the kitchen making a smoothie

Jin: and I was in my room not giving 2 fucks

Hana: well I'mma go look for them

Himiko: we'll come with you

The 3 of them went to look around the hallways down stairs, but neither Tenko nor Touya was there.
So they decided to search up stairs, once they got up stairs they checked every single room, then they checked Hana's room to see if they were in there. But everywhere they looked they weren't there.

Hana: and I thought Ten would be in my room!

Himiko: why would you think he would be in your room? I thought they would be in those empty rooms down stairs

Jin: y'all didn't think to check their rooms?


Hana & Himiko: shut the fuck up

Hana, Himiko, and Jin went down a hall to look for Touya's room. Once they found it, they knocked... No answer, they knocked again... No answer.

Himiko: he ain't answering

Hana: well he might be in Ten's room

Jin: let's go

They then made their way around the corner down the hallway where tenko's room is.

Hana: alright, now they gotta be in here

-This is probably gonna get a lil inappropriate, skip through if you don't wanna read-

As Hana was about to open the door, she stopped her hand cause she heard something weird on the other side.

Himiko: what's wrong?

Hana: shh!

Hana then out her ear up against the door, it was quiet at first but then she heard bed creaks, and then unholy noises.
She instantly pulled her head away from the door with a disgusted expression.

Jin: what's wrong? What did you hear?

Hana: ... I don't wanna be an auntie yet

Himiko: what do yo-... Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Jin: welp, you wanna inform your parents that their bout to be Grandparents?

Hana: hell yea!

Hana zoomed down the stairs with himiko and Jin following behind.
She then saw all the adults chillin in the living room, she ran up to them out of breath, while himiko and Jin barely catching up.


Kurogiri: yes loud Chile?

Hana: yall are going to be grandparents in 9 months


AFO: well I'll be damned

Nao: not surprised

Sako: aww man! Now we're gonna have another little shit runnin around here!

AFO: sako?!

Sako: WHAT!?

AFO: only I can call every Chile in this household "little shit"

Sako: oh go suck a cactus

Hana: Oof


Kurogiri: easy, just get a Cactus, put it in your mouth, then suck on it like you suck on Nao's dildo

AFO: ... Y'all nasty

Sako: don't act like y'all are innocent

Nao: I didn't say anything

Kurogiri: ya still nasty

AFO: yea okay whatever!

Hana: ...

Kurogiri: why you still in here?

Hana: it's just satisfying to see old people argue

AFO: we may be old but our author won't let us look old

Himiko: author?

Jin: shush dumbasses! It is forbidden to speak of the author!

Nao: I don't wanna be a grandmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Hana: and I don't wanna be an auntie!

~with Tenko and Touya~

Tenko: did you hear footsteps out there?

Touya: no, surprise you can hear anything with your loud moaning

Tenko: Shull up!

Touya: no

~back with the others~

AFO: watch them tell us the news the next day

Jin: we'll be waiting


The sun started to rise now that it was the next day, everyone was sleep still... Well the whole family passed out on the couches except for Tenko, and Touya.
And about 20 minutes later the sun was shining into every room that had open curtains along with Tenko's room. As the bright annoying sun shined into Tenko's room, it slowly woke Touya up as it shined in his eyes.

He grunted, then rolled his eyes and putting a pillow over his head. But he lifted one side when he heard someone calling his name... Well kinda.

Tenko: husband~ GET YOUR ASS IN HERE!

Touya: coming wifey~

Touya got out of bed then headed to the bathroom where Tenko was.
He opened the door and saw Tenko sitting on the smiling and rubbing his tummy.

Touya: hey

Touya goes over to Tenko and sits down with him.

Tenko: looky look

Tenko hands the PREGNANCY TEST to Touya, his eyes widen as it showed 2 lines which means positive.

Touya: ...

Tears begin to fill Touya's blue eyes, he turned to look at Tenko.

Touya: a-are you serious?

Tenko nodded smiling, while rubbing his stomach.
Touya cracked a small smile then hugged Tenko.

Then they both shared a kiss.

Words 808

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