How Touya earned the title of "Asshole"

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Tenko, Hana, Himiko, and Jin then said goodnight to Touya and left his room. Then a few minutes later they all made it to himiko and Jin's room.

Himiko: night guys

Jin: I'm beat like a goose doing crack on the street

Hana: why would the goose do crack?

Jin: you tell me

Tenko: Jin... You are so weird

Jin: I know

Tenko: Oof, anyways we'll see y'all tomorrow

Hana: night!

Himiko and Jin: night!

Hana and Tenko then went off into another hallway. But then once they were halfway down the hallway, Tenko stopped. Hana shortly noticed and turned around looking at her confused little brother. He then looked up at Hana but with a kinda pissed expression.

Hana: what's wrong?

Tenko: Hana?... What did Touya do to you for him to earn the title of "Asshole"?

Hana: ... God I was hoping you wouldn't ask me that anytime sooooon!

Tenko: tell me! Like you said we don't keep secrets from eachother! So spill da beans!

Hana: ugh! Fine!


Little Hana: Mommy! I wanna go play outside!

Nao: okay sweetie, but I'm must warn you... The Todoroki Clan has came to
"Visit"... So make sure that you don't run into them

Little Hana: why? We're not afraid of them... Are we?

Nao: most definitely not, it's just that...

AFO: we The Shigaraki Clan, have rivalry With the Todoroki Clan

Little Hana: oh... Well I won't, I'll stay out of trouble

Nao: good girl, now if you'll excuse me... I have to feed this demon son of mine

Tenko: ya ya ya AH! AH! AH! AH!

AFO: why the fuck are you yelling!?

Little Hana: because y'all forgot to feed him yesterday, I had to drag his fat ass into the kitchen to feed him

Tenko: ... Hana ugly!

Nao: Oop... Damnit! I was hoping his first words were gonna be mama!

Little Hana: *POV: he's just asking to get thrown* anyways, bye mommy! Bye daddy!

AFO: bye my little demon princess!

The little princess then ran out of her castle to her city, Out to her city filled with hating peasants. Once she arrived, she saw two little boys fighting, 5 girls that obviously hated her, and then a random carriage that she has not seen before.

Little Hana's POV: hm? Who's carriage is that?... Eh... Ain't non of my business

The little Princess then shrugged and pushed on to go bully a random poor girl. But out of nowhere while randomly skipping with her eyes closed she suddenly bumps into someone.

Little Hana: Oops, I'm sorry I didn't mean too bump into you

Little Touya: didn't mean to?... DIDN'T MEAN TO?! HOW DARE YOU BUMP INTO ME!?

Little Hana: umm, I didn't mean to... I wasn't looking where I was go-


The little princess, laying on the ground whimpering and holding her now sore face. She then slowly made eye contact with a angry prince that was clenching his fire filled fists.
Hana was surprised and scared at the tall kid, but then her attention went to another kid that walked up to the situation.

Little kiego: looky touya! It's one of the Shigaraki's

Touya: yea no shit birdbrain!

Kiego: ah! Rude!

Touya: shut up!

Kiego: okie, I'mma go piss off your dad or sum

Touya: whatever

The birds kid then left, which left Hana and Touya. Touya then looked back but only to get boosted back into a cart of hay.

Little Hana: Asshole...

-End of Flashbacm-

Hana: and that is what happened...

Tenko: oh...

Hana: but... I'm sure he learned from his mistakes...

Tenko: I quess he did

Hana: and if you love him, go for it... I'll be right by your side

Tenko: thanks sis

Words 624

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