Bumping into you~

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Tenko: Mom! Dad! I'm going out!

Nao: okay! You know the drill?

Tenko: yea I know! "be back by dark"

Nao: bye sweetie!

Tenko: bye!

As Tenko was rushing to get his shoes on, he ran out the door and got into the carriage and went off.

Tenko: okay, I need eggs, bread, ham, and maybe some chocolate on my way there

Once Tenko arrived at the market, he got out and went in. He saw very few people, but that was okay cause nor he or his family was big on people... That they didn't know obviously.
Tenko took a look at the list and looked around to see where the egg isle was, once he found it he rushed over to grab 2 boxes.
But unexpectedly While Tenko was randomly daydreaming and running he didn't notice a person standing there looking for eggs as well. As the person decided to look at another isle he and Tenko's eyes meet, then they bumped into each other with the person landing on top of Tenko.
They then took a glance at who the fuck needed some fucking glasses since they can't FUCKING SEE WHERE THE FUCK THEY GOIN! but to Tenko's surprise, he bumped into Prince Touya. But Touya was more shocked now that he has locked eyes to a brat.

Tenko: u-um, hi?

Touya: ... Hey...

Tenko: d-do you mind-?

Touya: oh! Sorry!

Touya then got up then held his hand out to Tenko, it shocked Tenko for a moment but he accepted the offer. Once they were both on their feet, they locked eyes once more.
Tenko didn't know why but, he kinda found Touya's eyes dreamy and so Bright.
And Touya found Tenko's eyes attractive, but scary as fuck. His eyes make him look like he came from hell. They were both lost into eachother's eyes, it was like meeting for the first time, but then snapping back into reality and realizing what happened the last time they spoke. Tenko then tried to walk around Touya but he was stopped by his hand to his shoulder.

Touya: wait...

Tenko stopped as he heard Touya's dull but hot voice, and turned around to see touya looking guilty, like something he did has been eating at his soul for years.

Tenko: yes...?

Touya: I just- wanted to say sorry... For last time we spoke

Tenko: ... You do?

Touya: yea, I'm pretty sure that your sister has told you how much of an ass hole I am? Cause it's true

Tenko: I learned that from experience
*Tenko chuckled*

Touya then went from guilty to embarrassed, and kinda incongruous. He hasn't felt that emotion in a while.

Tenko: but, I also owe an apology... My family is horrible... Along with me

Touya: how so?

Tenko: ... If I say... Then you'll think I'm a monster

Touya: I don't judge people of what they do, even if I barely met them

Tenko: ... Well, my family and I... Well mostly me and Hana, make fun of the poor people of our Town

Touya: why?

Tenko: because we're evil people, and we might go to hell for it

Touya: you may be evil... But at least your polite?

Tenko: my family is, I'm far from it

Touya: yea, I can't get that roast out of my head

Tenko: what roast?

Touya: when you roasted my fiance at dinner, at your place

Tenko: oh! Sorry about that

Touya: no worries, that little shit doesn't have feelings

Tenko: that's no way to talk about your fiance

Touya: more like stranger, I don't even like him! And I'm pretty sure he doesn't really love me, cause all he wants is the money and power, and most of all the title of "Queen/King"

Tenko: well don't marry him

Touya: don't have much choice

Tenko: well I know how you feel, I don't have much choice either

Touya: what do you mean?

Tenko: I am also forced to be married... Even though neither my parents or I agreed

Touya: ... So I quess we're both living in hell

Tenko: quess so

Touya: it's kinda weird we have things in common

Tenko: what!? No we don't

Touya: I'm not a big fan of people, well the ones I don't know

Tenko: oh!? Then I quess we do

Tenko started to giggle as he was completely wrong about them both having things in common, making Touya crack a little smile that sends him no control over his body. Tenko then looked at a smiling asshole, and started to smile back also leaving him no control over his body. They both stare into eachother's eyes and start to move in a little closer, touya then grabbed Tenko's chin and brought him closer to his lips, then they both shut their eyes. But once they're lips were a few inches away, they snapped back into reality. Their eyes flew wide opened then Tenko back up 3 inches away from Touya.
They were shocked of what was about to happen, so Tenko kept the awkwardness away.

Tenko: u-um, I'll see you at your "wedding" *smiles nervously*

Touya: er- y-Yea! Sure see you there!

Tenko then grabbed 2 boxes of eggs and went to another isle, and got all the things kurogiri and sako needed... And maybe a few chocolates. Then he rushed out and got on his carriage.
A few minutes later, Touya also left the market... He's never felt so Alive! His mood became dull to happy, he had all types of butterflies in his stomach, he never felt this way with kiego though... He now only felt them around Prince Tenko... He wondered why.

952 words

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