Chapter Five: Incest, Rape, And Other Normals At The Philips House.

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"OH MY GOD! It was so EFFIN amazing! We drank coffee! And it never tasted so GOOD! And and_"
"Jas, take a breath"
"_and we talked about authors and our favorite authors_"
"You talked about authors?!" I ask in disbelief.
"Well, he did, but I pretend to understand who he was talking about."
"Oh, that makes sense."
"And he was so sweet, and he kept rubbing my hands, and his fingers are soooo sexy, he is sooo sexy, Oh Leah, I think I'm in love."
I smile "Well I'm happy for you."
Jasmine shoves a fry in her mouth, pauses for a second and then swallows "Which reminds me, I have to thank you."
"For what?" I ask.
"Eric told me that you talked to him_"
"Oh, that."
"Stop interrupting me," she shoots me a glare "anyway, he said that he always liked me, but he never thought that I would ever like him as well, and he was so scared of refusal, and that you gave him the extra boost he needed." Jasmine reaches across the table and takes my hand in hers and looks deep in my eyes "Thank you, thank you so much."
I pull my hand away and say "Okay, quit it Lizzy."
Jasmine laughs, and eating her last fry she says "Well, I owe you, so I'm going to help you with the Sam situation."
"Uh, thanks...I guess."
She looks at her watch and says "Well, I gotta go, so I'll call you later."
"Where you off to?"
"Another date with Eric." she giggles and her eyes shine and if she wasn't my best friend and I love her so much, I would be jealous.
"Well, don't do anything I wouldn't do."
Jasmine smiles and waves as she makes her way towards the glass doors.
The devil enters my rooms at exactly eight o'clock.
You would expect the devil to have red horns, a pale white skin and evil in its eyes, but this devil didn't, although it did have in its eyes, and horror between its palms.
"Surprise!" mom squeals, I shriek as well, but in terror that is, and I scoot away as far as I can from the vile thing in her hands, mom has finally fell of the edge, she has gone crazy, CRAZY I TELL YOU!
"Isn't it beautiful?" Mom holds up the pink dress in the air for my eyes to see it.
See it and burn.
"Yes, it is! I knew you would love it! I got it for yoooouuu!" she croons.
I can see it, right before my eyes, the compliments, the flattery, it all makes sense now...
"Why don't you put it on for mommy? Hmm, I want to see how it looks on you."
I shake my head "No, never! You can't make me, YOU CAN'T MAKE ME!"
I swear her hair almost flames green and her eyes spark, "You'll put it on." she says in a very spooky voice, "Or else."
"No, I won't" I pout my lips.
I never saw it coming, no one would have saw it coming, mom jumps on top of me and starts undressing, her eyes are glittering, and a maniac smile on her lips "I said you'll put it on!"
"RAPE!" I yell "RAPE! RAPE!", I kick and struggle as mom straps me down to my undies, she straddles me and reaches across me to grab the dress, I try to buck her off, but she's put all her weight on me, I try to kick and flail my feet but she holds them down with her knees, and slowly she forces me into the dress, it's a bit tight and I can imagine my death in such, like Snow-White, the dress tightening, bit by bit, till it squeezes the life out of me.
Finally, dressed against my will, my mom gets up, "Now twirl and let us have a look."
Us? who is us? You and the devil on your back?
With no joy I get up and twirl for mom, she claps and oohs as I do so, "oh honey you look so good!, but your hair, no, it won't do."
She corners me with a brush and a comb, and I see my life flashes through my eyes.
After she has combed my hair into submission, and striped a thousand pins on it, she steps back looks at me and smile "Yes, yes, your hair, it looks so much better that way, but a little bit lip-gloss won't hurt."
And then she does my make-up.
After she has finally finished she smiles and pretends to weep "Oh, baby you look so beautiful, now that you're fully dressed, it wouldn't hurt if you go to this event with me."
I groan but I know that she would drag me if she has to, so I surrender willingly.
Half an hour later we arrive at Lamar’s, it's a restaurant/ballroom, with a medieval theme that has a modern edge to it, plants and chandeliers everywhere, from what I got from mom at the ride here, apparently this charity she is a member of is hoisting a get together party here, and some kids my age were coming, whom I can meet and socialize with.
Yay me.
To those of you who don't understand sarcasm.
Yay me. not.
50 mom look a likes were walking around the room, drinks in hands, evening gowns swaying, heels clicking, laughing, chatting, gossiping, and doing what middle aged housewives such as themselves do in such occasions.
"Oh my! You're Sophie’s daughter! You’re just as beautiful as your mother_" one of the women attacked me with cheerful chatter, and soon as I was jumped by other women who wished to meet 'Sophie's daughter', and I soon had to escape.
"Excuse me, I need" and I escaped through the throngs of wild women to the glass exits that apparently led to a garden.
So I sat there in the cold, on the edge of a lion shaped statue, really wishing that I smoked.
"Hey." the strange voice came from beside the glass doors; I turned towards it and saw the silhouette of a man standing beside the door.
"I came here with my mom, she forced me to."
"Huh, so you're the kids my age?"
"When mom forced me here, she promised kids my age to socialize with, as if I would want that."
"I was bribed, so I'm not really sure I can claim I was forced."
"How much?"
"50 bucks, and I'm beginning to wonder if I should have asked for more."
"Should have asked for more, definitely."
He laughs, it's a deep husky laugh, so unlike Sam's but so much alike it at the same time.
"I'm Luke by the way."
"Leah, that's a nice name."
"I know, that's why I chose it."
He laughs again.
"You're a funny gal, Leah."
"You haven't seen a thing.”
Luke sit's next to me, and although I can't see his face I can smell him, and he smells good, like soap and mint.
We sit there in the dark for about two hours chatting and talking , he tells me he studies in Lakeview, and he wants to major in zoology because he loves animals, owns a dog, who he calls Whiskers, (I know, he says he likes the name because it's a contradiction.) and his favorite author no doubt is Stephen King.
I tell him, that I'm also a senior, and I plan to major in English Literature, and I haven't had a pet since mom sucked my hamster Benny with the vacuum.
Mom calls me, tells me we're leaving, so I say goodbye to Luke, wish him luck with the women, and dash towards our car, it doesn't enter my mind until we're almost home that I haven't really seen Luke.
* * * * * * * * * *
"Dude," Jasmine says as she walks me to my algebra class, "I came by your house yesterday, you weren't there."
"Yeah, mom forced me to go to this thing with her."
"Oh, okay, well I really wanted to tell you about my date."
"Yeah, I was just dying all night to know all about it."
But Jasmines brain does not have the ability to detect sarcasm.
"He was amazing, we went to the movies and he held my hands and I felt warm all over although the cinema was cold, and then I thought I can't be cold and warm like at the same time, it's against physics! Or is it chemistry? I don't know anyway, he took me home and just as I was about to get out of the car he kissed me, and whoa, does he have a tongue on him, made my toes curl and everything, it was a total bliss."
"Oh, goody, well, this is where we split." I pause in front of the class and she waves goodbye as she promises to tell me the rest during lunch.
The joy.
I sit next to Tyler in the back "Howdy partner" he says in a way of greeting "You look downright miserable" he says in a horrible southern accent.
"Tyler for the millionth time, you shame the southern accent, southern people all around the USA are in pain because of how you defiled their sweet accent."
Tyler smiles and says in an Indian accent "Hater's gonna hate, and potatoes gonna potate."
I sigh "What can I do with you?" I roll my eyes.
Tyler leans real close and whispers in my ear "Well, I can think of a couple of things right now, mostly you in a cow girl outfit, me in my southern accent and you riding that_"
I smack him and he laughs.
"Okay, okay, chillax, just kidding, you pack one helluva punch, anyway, did you hear about Eric and Jasmine?"
"All day today and yesterday, I almost regret hooking them up."
"Me too, Eric won't shut up about Jasmine, Jasmine this..., Jasmine that...., it kinda starts to get on your nerves."
"Don't I know it" I mumble.

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