Chapter Seven: Confessions: The Second Attempt.

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It's Sunday night, and Jasmine is at my house, in fact she's been at my house since last night, 'helping me prepare for the big moment.'

And as much as I appreciate it, what I don't appreciate is her reminding me every second of how much a sacrifice this is for her, that this is time she could spend with Eric but she chose to spend with me.

"Okay, Jasmine, thanks lots, I appreciate it, you're an awesome friend, ok?"

"It wouldn't hurt if you say it with a little more love, you know."

"Whatever, Jas, could you finish doing my hair."

"So ungrateful." Jas, yanks my hair extra hard to prove her point and has my eyes tearing up in pain, at the moment she's rolling my hair, in those plastic little things, so that it becomes curly and bouncy, my face currently has some weird mixture of garlic, cucumber, and yogurt, that is supposedly going to smooth my face, and remove all the dirt in the pores, my nails have been painted a pearl pink, and are awaiting to dry, and my eyebrows have been plucked, trimmed, and are now a perfect line, every hair in my body has been removed thanks to an inhumane invention that women around the world have to tolerate, known as hot wax, and I'm proud to say, that I only cried twice.

She finally finishes, with my hair, and I feel ridiculous, sitting in my bed with all those, rolls in my hair, but hey, no pain, no gain.

My outfit has already been selected, Jas, who has given up on my closet a long time ago, has picked me an outfit from her own, of course, she didn't have much to choose from because she's a bit taller and thinner than I'm, and by a bit I mean a lot, but you must never underestimate Jasmine's power, she was able to dig in her closet, and select a knee length navy blue skirt, and light rosy blouse, that fits me like a glove, luckily it won't rip if I don't breath too much.

I drew the line at heels, so Jasmine, although a bit sulkily, conceded to a pair of brown sandals, and a matching purse.

Jasmine starts tearing up "I'm so glad we did this Lee, I feel like we're bonding."

"Yes, just call us Selma and Louise."

"Okay, Lee, time to get our beauty sleep."

"But it's only eight."

"Exactly, the more hours you get, the better you feel in the morning."

Jasmine, climbs into bed with me, no homo, and snuggles under the blanket, and in minutes she's asleep, I, on the other hand, reach towards my night stand and turn of the lights, I sigh.

The next morning Jasmine wakes me up, and although I slept 11 hours I feel like crap.

"Wake up." Jasmine says.

I life open one eye lid, and peer at my alarm clock, 7:00, blinks in out in green neon color.

"Oh my god Jas, it's seven."

"Exactly, we're late as it is!"

"Late? What do you mean; I wake up at 7: 40."

"7:40, jeez, no wonder you look like crap in the morning."

"Could we have this conversation half an hour later?" I mumble sleepily.

"Oh, dear Leah, beauty takes time, you can't expect me to look perfect in 5 minutes, now get your ass out of bed." and before I can protest she shoves me.

I grunt as I get up from the floor "I hate you."

Jasmine smiles "I love doing this."

It takes me ten minutes in the bathroom because Jasmine insists I scrub and moisturize my face. SCRUB AND MOISTURIZE! ME! Incredible.

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