Chapter Seventeen: The Best Friend Who is No Longer A Best Friend

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Daniel keeps throwing glances at me in the ride home, finally I break glaring at him "What?" slips between my lips.

Dan shrugs "You've been sullen during this entire vacation."

Of course that annoys me, and my scowl deepens "I haven't."

"You have, you've been sullen, brooding, pissed and moody as hell."

Okay, so I may haven't been in the best mood during the past few weeks, but can you blame me? I've had to clean after Dan's shit, and it was in heaps.

"Maybe I have, maybe it was because of you?"

Daniel narrows his eyes at me "Nope, you've been sullen and moody before you even stepped foot in New-York, what is Sammy boy? You've got you're period?"

No, but my best friend wasn't talking to me, and what was worst was how I was feeling ever since she confessed her feelings towards me, and I didn't know how to feel about my feelings.

Almost three weeks ago, my best friend in the world Leah told me she loved me, she said she wanted to take things to the next level, and what did I do? I tried to reject her in the most kind way, but when has rejection been anything but bitter? I haven't seen her since.

If that wasn't bad enough, her best friend Jasmine made me feel like shit every time I saw her walking around school without Leah looped around her arms, way to kick a man while he was down, but I didn't need her to make feel guilty, I was feeling that all by myself.

Jasmine also forbid me to see her, threatening not to only cut of my nuts, but to feed them to me, I have to admit I have seen a whole new side of the ditsy red head who roamed around Leah, usually I would have felt really mad, that she someone who's known Leah for about only 4 years would think she has the right to deny me someone I've known my entire life, but if I know leah at all, I would know that right now she wasn't feeling very good and that she would need time alone by myself.

Knowing that Leah was somewhere heart-broken and pining for me fucked up my whole holiday, I couldn't enjoy a single moment of NY, not the parties, not the girls, not the booze, not anything, because I only had one girl in my mind, and thinking about one girl for that long forced me to take a look at my own feelings, I'm not sure if I'm happy with the outcome.

I drop Daniel off at his house, but instead of climbing out, he looks at me and says "When you get fun again call me, alright?" then he climbs out quickly to avoid the blow that was aimed at his face.

I drove off grunting at nothing and everything, as I made my way home, Dan's house isn't far, but it was far enough for me to have time to think, those past weeks I tried not to think because it left me feeling confused and weirded out.

I knew that I liked Leah, I missed her when she was gone, and I missed the way she held me tight when I was upset, I missed the way we talked about little nothings or sat in companionable silence, she gave me every thing I've never had from any other girl, I know that makes her special, but how does that affect how I feel?

I know that I couldn't get it on with any girl during those weeks, becuase Leah would keep popping into my head, I like to think, it's because I know she was sad because of me, but what if it was more?

I don't know, all of this gives me a headache, I mean why did Leah had to go and ruin our perfectly good friendship anyway?

Two days left till the end of spring break, two days left till I finally see Leah again, how will it be?

Will she ignore me? Leah was, no is an important part of my life and I would do anything to have her look at me and smile, is that the way someone's supposed to feel towards their best friend?

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