Chapter Twenty: Dinner with the Phillips

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My first encounter with Luke wasn't entirely pleasant, Leah was still convinced that by confessing love to me she fucked things up major time, and was trying to renew our bond by sparing almost every minute with me, she also kept reassuring me that she's over me now so I didn't have to worry or anything.

So fucking awesome.

She didn't know how I ached to hear those words come out of her lips once again, how I literally died every time she smiled at the mention of Luke or how my heart constricted because I knew I lost my chance.

Because I was a damned good actor, or at least I tried to be.

When she invited me over to her house for lunch, I was very happy that I'll get to spend a moment with her without Jasmine stalking not so far behind, like we used to, in the past, before I decided to shit where I eat, I didn't know that Leah has invited Luke along, I gotta say, I don't think I would have stepped into that house if I knew he was in it.

He came at me, a smug look on his face, and a confidence in his stride that I knew at the moment was lacking in mine, he offered me a hand, and under the watchful gaze of Leah I shook it, when all I wanted to do was plummet his face for being with Leah.

"So Sam, how are things going? Leah tells me that you guys are bonding again?" He tells me once Leah goes to the kitchen to see how dinner is going.

"Yeah we have." I smirk at him.

"So I hope you didn't have a sudden change of heart about her or anything," he says, then adds "I really like her."

Well too fucking bad, I like her too, no, I love her, and the only reason I'm not with her right now, is because you make her happy, I want to say, but I don't instead I shrug focus my attention on the TV, and hope he leaves me alone.

He does, looking at the TV too, "Man that movie is awesome."

I stare at him from the corner of my eyes "You don't look like an anime type pf guy to me."

Luke grins at me "So what type of guy do I look like?"

The guy is freaking huge, if it wasn't for his easy nature I would have said "The Texas Chainsaw Massacare, instead I say "The sound of Music."

And he bursts out laughing "How did you know" he widens his eyes at me "I've been trying to hide it for so long."

"Cut the ham," I say, my lips slowly easing into a small smile "I know you get off of that stuff."

"I don't like to admit it, it questions my man hood, but when she things about her favourite things, that's a real turn on for me." He winks at me.

Leah comes out of the kitchen a second later "Le dinner, is ready." she says in a terrible french accent.

We follow her into the dining room, where dinner is ready, and I don't know what I expected, but it definitely wasn't this.

Two plates of Chicken nuggets were propped on the two sides of the table, a plate of french fries was set in the middle of the table, it was covered with chili and cheese, and the main of course was, what else Ramen noodles.

"So what do you think?" She asked us, beaming proudly at the meal she made.

Luke stole right out of my mouth "It's amazing." before he pulled her into a small but intimate kiss.

I was very uncomfortable, and highly jealous and I think it's safe to say that there was nothing I wanted to do more than beat the fuck out of Luke.

We took seats at the table, Leah placed next to Luke and I was seated across them, they held hands on top of the table, and every once in a while Luke would lean closer to Leah and whisper things into her ear, sometimes she would flush red, sometimes she would smile, and one time she down right laughed.

I grabbed the knife and held it tightly to stop myself from committing murder, repeating the mantra over and over in my head, don't stab him, don't stab him.

And thankfully I didn't, because I was Sam Cramer, and I wouldn't degrade myself to stabbing this little twat.

Leah started conversation and she did her best to keep me involved, she told me all about her vacation in Bahama's and how she met Luke for the thrid time there, and in the middle of their second week he asked her out and she agreed.

Then she asked me how N-Y was, and my only reply was "Twas okay, I guess, Dan was a real pain in the ass though, by the way, these fries are great," I grinned at her "Did you get them from Kassy Fries?"

Leah flushed red but didn't say anything, so I pushed on a little harder "I didn't know they delivered."

Leah coughed "They don't, I got it myself."

I smiled, and one glance at Luke's face told me he wasn't looking quite so hot now.

By the end of the evening, I had to admit that I found Luke a pretty hard guy to dislike, he was

funny, he was witty, he was sarcastic, good natured, and frankly the guy wasn't bad, in fact he was like the male equivalent of Leah, the both even began with an L for crying out loud.

I was pretty sure that I would have immediatly liked the guy and taken him under my wing in different circumstances, but now, and the fact that he was dating Leah, seemed to block all of his qualities.

So when Leah dragged me to the side after Luke left and asked me what I thought of Luke, I forced a smile, and my heart hurt as I told the truth "He's an alright guy."

* * * * *

Leah and Luke and I, head to the Pizza place, mostly for the past few weeks I've been successful in seeing as little of them together as I could, but when Leah asked me to come with me tonight I couldn't find an excuse not to go.

So I stayed with them, and we ordered pizza, and I tired very hard to ignore the fact that under the table they were holding hands, when more than nothing I wanted to punch him for even touching her, and then hold her instead, and maybe never let go.

Her head rested under their shoulders, as once again they told me about their various adventures during spring break, she look content, he looked happy, and the only one who was truely miserable here was me.

"You should have seen mom, she tried to be so posh and sophisticated about everything, mostly because his mom was, it was really funny."

Leah kept babbling on, while Luke stared at her with a look of utter adoration.

then she announced that she was going to the ladies room, and as soon as she left I turned to Luke and through clenched teeth I hissed "If you ever do anything to her, or hurt her in anyway, I swear to God I'll kill you."

Luke nodded his head "I wouldn't expect you to do anything else."

* * * * *

Senior Year worst event was right at the corner.


Eric was of course going with Jasmine.

Tyler had a double date with two sophomores.

Leah was taking Luke.

And for the first time since ever, I didn't have a date.

I was the captain of the football team for Christ sake, I can get a date, but the problem was I didn't want one.

Every time I turned my attention to a girl who wasn't Leah, I would get queasy and I would find myself frowning in disapproval over the fact that their hair was blond instead of brown.

A couple of girls, including my ex Sandra have hinted to the fact that they wanted to go with me, but the girl I wanted to go with, was currently leaning against the locker telling her best friend Jasmine about the color of dress she was going to wear, and how she was adamant on completely blowing Luke off.

Every time I heard of her and Luke I died a little inside, I blamed Leah because she stopped loving me, I blamed Luke for sweeping her of her feet, a role that I now wanted for myself, and most of all I blamed myself for being such a fucktard, and for ignoring what was right in front of my eyes.

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