Chapter 19: Canyon Abs

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Chapter 19: Canyon Abs

The early glow of sunlight peaked through the curtains, making me slowly rise from bed. I rubbed my eyes, at first unfamiliar with my surroundings. Then, all of last night's events came rushing back to me. From my argument with Danielle, to seeing Cody fresh out of the shower. I remembered running through the storm, and seeing Drew. Then there was the conversation on Ryan, and Cody's mysterious past. And that kiss. So much happened last night.

I checked my phone to make sure Danielle hadn't contacted me. After no new messages, I checked the time. It was seven in the morning. I was my own personal alarm clock in a way, and always woke up at seven. Unfortunately, the weekends were no exception.

I lifted the comforter off of me and walked to the window, pulling back the curtains. A stream of light hit my face, as I squinted to overlook the backyard. I hadn't realized it before, but he owned a lot of property for being smack dab in the city. There was a large grassy plot, a bunch of deciduous trees, and a patio. The patio had a jumbo hot tub and recliner chairs, the perfect setup for a party.

I drew away from the curtains and headed to the door. I could smell something from the kitchen and needed to investigate.

Before reaching the door, I took a glance in the mirror and stopped in my tracks. Backing up, I cringed when I saw my mangled reflection staring back at me. I looked dead awful. Heavy bags protruded under my tired eyes. My hair was halfway in a bun, and I winced as I tugged it out, ripping out a huge clump of hair in the process.

After combing through my hair, I made my way through an unfamiliar hallway. It led to an open room, and the spiral staircase that I remembered. Knowing where I was, I made my descent to the kitchen.

When I walked in, my eyes grew wide at the back of a shirtless man in blue boxers, who stood at the stove, making eggs.

My heart accelerated, and I let out a gulp, debating how to get his attention.

I let out a cough.

"I thought you only knew how to make Mac and cheese." I crossed my arms, trying to control my nerves.

His neck twisted to the side, and I could see his side profile give a smirk.

"Eggs and Mac and cheese. That's it, I swear." He laughed.

I came to stand next to him, eyeing the eggs with skepticism.

"That's probably good. You don't want them to be too hard." I advised.

He rolled his eyes, but turned off the burner.

"Best damn eggs you've ever seen." He laughed, getting plates from the cupboard.

When he turned around to look at me, my eyes faltered to his defining chest. He needed to put some clothes on before I went insane.

"Aurora? Yes or no?" He asked with all seriousness.

Yes or no what? I was so wrapped up with his canyon abs, that I hadn't heard a word he said.

When I blushed deep red, he crossed his arms, giving his famous smirk.

"Do you want eggs?" He repeated.

"Oh, sure. Thanks." I mumbled, and then stumbled to sit at the table.

He knew I checked him out, and I silently ridiculed myself for being so blatantly obvious.

He set down a plate of scrambled eggs in front of me, before pulling up a chair to join me.

I gulped yet again, picking up the fork beside me, eyes directed only on the overcooked eggs.

We both ate in silence for a few minutes, before Cody cleared his throat.

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