Chapter 2: Cranberries and Hotsauce

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I flew down the flight of stairs, willing to distance myself from the man who had just introduced himself to me. I tripped down the last step, falling on hard concrete.

"Wow Aurora, I'm not gunna really have got me working here." I heard Cody laugh behind me with a shortness of breath. Literally right behind me. I sat on the ground, feeling embarrassed.

"Well, I'm glad you find this amusing." I snarled.

Cody was still laughing, and he came over to sweep me up. His arms wrapped around my waist, causing me to gasp.

When I was standing on two feet again, I shoved him off.

"Leaving you breathless, am I?" His voice was husky.

"I'm perfectly capable of getting up, thank you very much."

I found myself to be an inch from his body and backed up against the door. He stood over me, a smug grin playing on the edge of his mouth. He placed his hand on the door next to me, and I found myself to be caught in his little trap. I thought about kneeing him where the sun don't shine, but my lack of coordination would probably ruin that attempt.

Regaining my composure, I straightened my dress and took a deep breath.

"Look. Your charm may work on other girls, hell I'll bet you've never been rejected. But I don't need you ruining this night. I want Danielle to be happy. She's under a ton of stress and adding another thing will probably make her explode. Okay?" I looked directly into his eyes. He pretended to have a deep contemplation and let out a shallow laugh.

"You got it." He clicked his tongue.

"Great." I turned back on my heel and pushed the door open, the warm spring air engulfing my presence.

Martin's mauve colored Lincoln remained parked on the curb and I walked over, getting in the back seat.

I had known Martin for a couple years, ever since him and Danielle started dating. He was a laid back, nice guy, and I figured he was good for her. She needed someone to calm her down some of the time, and she would definitely spice up Martin's life in return. They were really in love, I could see it in the way they they looked at each other.

Once inside the car, we said hellos and Cody slid in to sit next to me.
Martin pulled away, and we were heading downtown to Mia's, a fancy Italian restaurant. Danielle turned from the passenger seat to face us, her face glowing.

"I'm so glad you guys finally met each other! It's like a best friend reunion, I guess you could say." She chuckled.

"Yeah it's great." I gave a forced smile.

"I can't believe you haven't met before. Cody and I go way back." Danielle gave him a look.

"Summer of 05?" He raised his eyebrow and started laughing, like there was some kind of inside joke.

"You know, now that I think about it, you two should come with us in a couple weeks to wine tasting. We still haven't figured out our bar yet, and we'll be needing some input." She nodded and turned around, starting a conversation with Martin.

I could feel Cody's eyes on me, as I averted my attention out the window at the night sky that was a swirl of dark clouds and dim stars. The night sky was always so fascinating to look at, and no matter how long you stared at it, you never grew bored.

"So tell me about yourself." I heard Cody state, and I unwillingly turned to face him, my expression blunt.

Cody crossed his arms, a smirk on his face. I was starting to think that it was involuntary for him to do that. I had to admit though, deep down, it was kind of sexy. Not that I'd ever admit that out loud. In my life, many thoughts I had were locked away in the vault that I called my brain.

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