Chapter 1: Bridal Meltdown

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  • Dedicated to Robin Williams

** Hey fellow readers! You came to the right place :)
I've wrote a couple novels thus far, and am looking to publish a book in the near future. Maybe even this one! So hope you enjoy this..I will be in the process of editing grammar as I go along.

*If you enjoy this novel please check put my other romance I am starting called Mist. Your feedback is very important to me :)

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Copyright Material. 2015.

All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 1: Bridal Meltdown

"Wow! Are you sure you didn't pre-order that? It fits you so well." I stated, taking in the silhouette of a bride to be.

"You know, I could just write an article about this." I continued, looking at my best friend who stood in front of me, boasting a long ivory wedding dress. She smiled, twisting left and right, before twirling into a full circle. I was amazed at her ability to do that in heels.

"It is perfect, but it seems almost too good to be true. There isn't a price tag anywhere on this thing. And what would you put in the article? Girl finds perfect dress! Yeah, that'd be real interesting." She laughed and examined the dress further, immersed in it. She looked beautiful, her blonde hair in a bun, with a lace veil on that she had designed herself. Her creativity shone through on the many things she did.

"I don't know, but all I know is that Martin will be balling his eyes out when he sees you in that." I grinned widely and she nodded. We both knew it was the one. I could see her now, walking down the aisle. It seemed so fitting.

She bursted into a joyous fit of tears, probably thinking of the beautiful life she was destined to have. I just looked out the window, letting her have that moment to herself, ignoring my subconscious that silently wallowed in loneliness. A minute later, she recollected herself and spoke.

"So, how much?" She turned to the elegantly dressed man in the corner, who had a pen perched between his teeth, carefully examining her as if she were a statue.

He pondered for a second, flipping through the papers of his clipboard, before looking up at the two of us.

"Sixteen thousand." He replied in a monotone voice, as if it were completely normal. I tried to hide my disbelief. Believe me, I thought this was a place that was somewhat reasonable, after reading in the magazine about all the good reviews.

My friend Danielle however, had no problem in showing her emotions, and scoffed. I could see her crazy eyes coming on, and braced myself.

"Something wrong?" The man asked thoughtfully, an innocent expression in his eyes.

Danielle looked at the man with such loathing, that I almost thought she was going to jump out and attack him. I knew she was tired and hungry, and even for a grown adult, that was not a favorable combination.

"Yeah, in fact there is a problem, your highness. You see this dress?" she asked, eyes popping out of their sockets.

I just sat back in astonishment, spectating the unfolding event.The man just lifted an eyebrow ever so slightly, a presumptuous expression gilded on his face.

The song, "Hungry Eyes" from Dirty Dancing came on softly over the speakers, and I struggled to contain my laughter. A few seconds of agonizing silence passed, before Danielle went on with her statement.

"This is probably the most perfect dress in the existence of bridal dresses. I honestly feel like a goddamn princess in this. Then you tell me that this is sixteen fucking thousand dollars, crushing all my dreams. So you're basically asking me if I want to buy a car, or this dress. Well sir, I will take the Jeep Cherokee because I have had my eye on that damn thing for years." She started sobbing, mascara and all running down her face. I had seen episodes like these in the movies.

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