Chapter 33: An Inextinguishable Spark

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Chapter 33: An Inextinguishable Spark

*Warning* There is a scene that may get a little steamy so just a warning this chapter is probably “TV-14 ish” so just bare with me!! Please enjoy and comment and vote, I need some support to continue!


“So, what’s the verdict?” Drew’s dad was full of angst as we filed quietly into Drew’s room hours later.

    “Well.” the doctor stated, looking up at him and then to all of us.

I knew from the expression on the doctor’s face that there was no good news to go around.

    “We haven’t been able to fully pinpoint the source that caused him to collapse like that...However, his heart is going at a steady rate, while he is undergoing states of brief consciousness followed by longer periods of unconsciousness. Right now, my suggestion for all of you would be to go home and get some rest. We’re all going through this together.” he said in the most reassuring way possible.

    I couldn’t bare to look at his parents’ faces. They looked like corpses, and their eyes seemed to be sucked of all possible life. Yet, there they stood, their sunken faces staring at their ill son. Vinnie and Mason were there, both quiet and unresponsive in lieu of their brother.

    It was one of the saddest scenarios I had ever seen in my life.

“There’s nothing more you can tell us? What is happening to our son? Please, tell us!” his mother cried with desperation, and I immediately felt my stomach clench, as if a bowling ball went straight through it.

    The doctor looked sympathetic, however, in a way that you knew he had been so many times before. To him, this was all in a day’s work.

    “Please ma’am. We’ll keep you updated as much as possible. Right now, I recommend you get some rest. If you’ll excuse me.” he nodded, and slipped out of the room.

    The seven of us just stood in bitter silence at the end of the bed, and Cody was sitting on the chair in the corner. His eyes were fixed at Drew, although I knew he was deeper in thought. I had almost forgotten how close Cody was to Drew, and what he meant for the boy.

    Drew’s parents went and sat by his bedside, in each other's embrace.

After a half hour of silence, Danielle got up, and walked to his bedside. On the stand there were some books, and she grabbed a Captain America comic book.

    “I promised him I would read this.” he gave a sad smile.

Danielle kneeled down on the floor and flipped open the page, beginning.

    “Captain America, and the Battle against Evil.” she read the title.

A tear rolled rolled down my face as I listened to her voice that acted as background noise in my head.

    I was overwhelmed by it all, and the tears kept coming down faster.

I pushed open the door and stepped out into the cool hallway, breathing heavily. My breathing was uncontrollable, as I steadied myself against the wall.

    A moment later, the door opened, and out came Cody, a weary look on his face.

“Well, this is shitty.” he said quietly, before grabbing my two hands.

    I just looked down at our hands, a tear rolling off my cheek and onto his hand. I watched as the tear slid across his hand, eventually dissolving from sight.

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