Chapter 1

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"Good morning," Castle greeted as he saw Kate's eyes slowly open. Her eyebrows knit together from the light and she rubbed her eyes.

"Were you watching me sleep?" She asked as she let her eyes adjust to the lighting.

"No," she looked over at him and could tell he was lying.

"That's creepy Castle," she sat up, grabbing her phone on her nightstand and checking for any notifications.

"Hey, you watch me too, when I sleep," he got up to crawl on top of her so he was straddling her.

"No I don't," she lies. Of course she does. He looks like a little boy when he sleeps. She put her phone back on the nightstand and looked at him.

"Mmm, yes you do Beckett. I catch you, all the time," he says leaning closer to her so he was right in front of her face.

"You don't have any proof," she told him, grinning.

"That's where you're wrong," he whispered into her ear and began to nip on it.

"Then show me," she whispered back. He started to place open mouthed kisses down her neck.

"I have videos," she opened her eyes.

"What?" He smiled pulling away from her neck to see her face and he laughed.

"I was kidding," he jokes and she lightly punches his chest.

"You're such a child Castle," she smiles.

"I know, but you love me," he smiled proudly.

"Mmm, sometimes," she gave him a wink and he leaned to place his lips on hers. He ran his tongue over her bottom lip. Her hands slid down his sides and reached down to grab his ass.

She smiled into the kiss as he gasped and got up on all fours. Some how she flipped them over so she was straddling him. She pulled away to flip her hair to one side off her head and leaned back down. Slowly, she placed her lips on his, this time it was a slow passionate kiss.

They jumped as Kate's phone rang. She pulled away and sighed as she reached over to grab her phone.

"Beckett," she answered and looked down at Castle. He gave her an evil grin then he started to slide his hands up her side.

"Beckett, you okay?" Espo asked worriedly on the other line. His hands came up to land on her breasts. She wasn't wearing a bra so it was easy access for him.

"Yeah, never been better. Send me the address," she hurried to finish the sentence before she groaned. She hung up the phone and tossed it on the bed. Grabbing his hands from out under her shirt, she leaned down to give him on peck on the lips before she crawled off of him and onto the floor. "Come on, Castle. Get dressed."
"Hey, what have we got?" Beckett came up to them, Castle behind her. Espo and Ryan looked at her. "What?"

"You okay?" Espo asked again. Beckett tried to keep her blush hidden but it wasn't working.

"Yeah, fine," she tried to act normal. The boys looked up at Castle who was slightly smirking behind her.

"No, no, no," Espo said, disgust in his eyes. "You answered the phone while write boy over here was on top of you?" Her cheeks started to get really red.

"Can you just tell me who this is?" She asked changing the subject and looking over at the victim.

"Y-, that's just gross. Really?" Beckett gave them both a glare and they turned to the victim. "Anyways, the vic is John Olsen. Looks like a gun shot to the neck."

"Okay, where is Lanie?" Beckett asked looking around and expecting to find the ME around.

"Traffic, she will be here in ten," she nodded.

"We have any witnesses?" She asked.

"No, not that we know of. The guy who found him is over there. Donald White. He was walking his dog, dog ran off, found him digging into Olsen's bag."

"What was in the bag?"

"Food, from the market a couple blocks down."

"Okay, canvas the area. Me and Castle will go see if anyone saw anything at the market. Text me when Lanie gets he-"

"Hey guys, sorry I'm late," Beckett heard from behind her. Lanie came over and bent down over the body, beginning the autopsy. "The COD is gunshot through the neck. Lividity and body temp. says around 5 to 7 am. I will know more back at the morgue," Lanie told them and they nodded.

"Thanks Lane," Beckett said before the detectives went their own ways.
{775 words}

A/N: Well this is a short chapter. Hope you like.

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