chapter one

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I woke up at 5 am to a text

COACH: mandatory meeting at 6 before school for all juniors and seniors.

I grumbled and trudged over to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and wanted to crawl into a hole. I looked like a pig that grew long blonde hair and rolled in mud, times ten. it was that bad. I threw it up into a high messy ponytail and put on a small amount of foundation with a tiny bit of mascara. I didn't really have the patients for eyeliner this morning, I could barely stand.


I was dozing in and out of the words coach ambers was saying until I heard her say,

"so the following 4 girls are our new captains for the 2015 year."

I snapped into reality and couldn't help but smile. I was extremely excited for this. my brother had been captain of the soccer team his junior and senior year of high school and he got a scholarship to play for a team that one the NAIA cup his freshman year! I had been working my butt off everyday in practice in hopes of being captain and passing on a tradition.

"the first girl, Emily Lict." Emily stood and we all rooted and clapped

"second, Kinzley Halen." she jumped up and grinned from ear to ear.

"third we have, Lacy Deatin." lacy stood and blushed as everyone clapped again

"and last but certainly not least is a girl who has been working her way to the top since freshman year and deserves this more than anyone, congratulations Mackenzie Cailin." I hopped out of my seat and was forcing back all of my want to scream.

"congratulations girls. you are now officially team captains of the bears 2015 soccer team! there well be a mandatory meeting today after school with all captains to go over the expectations and regulations of being a leader of our team. see you then."coach said before dismissing the team.

all day I got smiles in the hallway and congratulated. people I had never even talked to mentioned being a captain. I didn't think some of the people even knew I existed.


I walked into the meeting and looked at my phone 3:40 I was ten minutes early.
I plopped down in a seat towards the front and set my bag next to it. I opened up twitter and tweeted,

'wish came true, 2015 captains here I come.(:'

I right away got tons of retweets from some girls and the team and other people from our school that I didn't even know. I checked my notifications and I had gained 40 followers since I checked at lunch. what was going on? it was like everybody suddenly started to notice I was alive since I made captain. I was startled when someone bumped into my desk knocking over my water bottle.

"hey watch it-" I started but I was cut off by someone

"oh gosh. my bad,I'm sorry here let me get that." said a blonde boy as he picked up my water for me. hey, he was kinda cute. okay Mackenzie be cool don't blow this.

"hahahahah, thanks." I said smiling. wow Mackenzie you laughed to long now he feels uncomfortable.

"no problem it was my bad, is anyone sitting here?" he asked pointing towards the desk next to mine. oh my god he wants to sit by you! say no, but you have to save a seat for Emily! it's okay, I'll tell her he just took it. shoot I have to tell her about him though. okay just let him take it and explain later, it will work out.

"um, hello?" he said snapping me out of my thoughts.

crap, how long was I not speaking?

"like 2 minutes." he laughed

"god, I said that out loud.. oops." I said biting my lip trying not to punch myself.

"and no it's open"

"cool, I guess I'll take it then." he smiled

then the coaches came in and began the meeting.


"morning practices start next Monday so be prepared to get your team to work." coach said dismissing us to go home, finally after a 2 hour meeting of bullshit. it was all about 'respect' as a captain and representing the team and school. boring!

I stood up and went to grab my bag when a hand met mine and picked it up handing it to me.

"here." the mysterious blonde said.

"thanks." I felt myself blush and I quickly turned to grab my water hiding my face

"i didn't catch your name earlier." he said grabbing my hand before I could leave

"Mackenzie. Mackenzie Cailin." I said smiling

"oh well, what pretty name. it matches you only you're more beautiful. I'm jack. jack johnson." he chuckled

"wow you sure know how to charm a girl." I joked but I could still feel a small blush forming on my face

"could I get your number, I'd like to take you out sometime. get to know you, I mean besides the fact that we both obviously like soccer I bet we have a lot in common." he blushed, oh my Jesus. he's even hot when he blushes.

I put my name and number in his phone and we parted ways leaving my face with a permanent smile.


it was about 8pm when I got a text from an unknown number.

'hey, it's jack.(:'


I quickly put him in my contacts with a 😏 at the end.

jack😏- 'so how about that date?'

'hmmm I don't really know you. can i trust you? what if your secretly a rapist.'

jack😏- 'are you kidding me?):'

'nope. I just met you today!'

jack😏- 'my name is jack johnson, I'm a senior and 2nd time captain for the bears boys soccer team, my favorite color is dark blue, I love soccer and dabble in guitar and singing, I eat chocolate a lot really more than I should and I have a 3.9 grade point average. it's that enough information?'

'I guess...'

jack😏-'yay! now tell me about yourself!(:'

'okay. I'm not very interesting. I didn't really have a lot of friends till I was a sophomore and began playing varsity soccer when everyone on my team suddenly noticed how good I was. I've been playing since I was 4 years old. my favorite color is dark purple, I chew mint gum constantly it's a bad habit, I absolutely never sing, and my grade average is a 4.0'

jack😏-'wow, you like soccer, you're pretty, and you're smart.(;'

'haha, funny. I have to go, goodnight.'

jack😏-'it's only 8'

'I'm female I have to get up at 5:30 to get ready.'

jack😏-'okay,okay I see. night. I'll pick you up at 6 tomorrow.(;'

'got it(:'


so holy crap that was a looooooong chapter.
Johnson is such a cutie aaahhhhh! I made him a total romantic in this book and I have to admit I LOVE it.
read my other book 'falling in or out of our love' it's a taylor caniff/jack g/jack j/ Jared tousley fanfic haha(:


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