chapter five

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I sat on the couch next to jack in silence trying to get my thoughts straight in my head. how was I going to start this? what was I even gonna say to him? 'my friend told me your the school player.' no that's harsh. 'I know what you are and I don't wanna get hurt?' no.

"so I bet I surprised you a bit being on stage tonight." he chuckled breaking into my thoughts. I could tell he was proud of himself as he sat with his arms behind his head smirking at me, he was so cute. no, you need to get his story straight Mackenzie. just do what you came here to do.

"listen jack." I began

"we really need to talk right now." I sighed not making eye contact

"isn't that what we are doing?" he joked but I didn't laugh. I just kept my eyes on the little lady bug crawling on the floor. after a few minutes of silence I finally onus the courage to look at him. his eyes were full of hurt and worry. maybe he was changed, I couldn't tell him. definitely not now maybe later if it actually effects us, if there even was an us.

"I'm joking jack." I smiled trying to play it all off.

"what?" he said confused

"I was joking we don't need to talk. I just wanted to scare you." I winked

"are you kidding me?" sadness in his voice. it broke my heart, he was actually worried.

"oh. I'm sorry jack, I didn't know I was gonna upset you so much." I said getting close and leaning my head on his shoulder. I pulled my knees up to my chest and grabbed his hand snuggling closer into him. he suddenly starting shaking and I looked up at him and he was laughing..


"wow. you are even more gullible then me." he said poking my sides.

I got up and playfully kicked him lightly on his leg before stomping out the door. I heard his footsteps following fast behind me. I walked faster and couldn't help but start laughing. soon I was running at top speed with jack quick on my heels. we circled around the empty building laughing and screaming like crazy kids.

"come back here!" jack yelled only a few steps away from my grasp.

I picked up my pace even more and ran onto the stage stopping in the center and folding up into a ball laughing like crazy. jack was soon to find me on the stage and later next to me. he looked directly into my eyes, he truly was amazing. I believed that jack had really changed and I didn't think I needed to question him on my trust for him.

"hey Mackenzie?" jack hesitated

"hey jack?" I giggled poking him in the cheek. he smiled and locked his crystal blue eyes with mine. I couldn't help but blush a little as he gazed at me.

"I know we've only been on one date and this may sound a little crazy but I can't stop thinking about you, about us." he took my hand and wrapped his around it sending tiny shivers up my arms and into my heart. I blushed hardly and looked at our hands tangled together, it was crazy how perfect they fit together. he stood up pulling me to my feet with him. he wrapped me in his arms pulling me closer to him. I felt completely safe in his arms, he felt like home.

"Mackenzie, w-will um, will you be my girlfriend?" he stuttered

my heart dropped to my feet beating 1029388 miles an hour.

"yes jack, of course." I whispered kissing his cheek.

"really?" he said pulling away from me to see my face.

"I was so nervous you would say no, I thought I was rushing into this but never mind it doesn't matter cause you said yes and I-" i cut him off as he rambled and wrapped my arms around his neck and standing on my tippy toes. I looked at his eyes then his lips and back to his eyes. I leaned in till I felt our lips collide. my stomach blew up with butterflies and I couldn't help but smile into the kiss. this was a first kiss that would never be forgotten.

I felt warm and happy. happier then I have ever been in my life. I was a better person when I was with jack and I loved that he made me a better self. I loved the way he made my feel safe and complete. I loved the way he could make any situation perfect.

I loved him and there was no second thought about it.


awwwwwwww yay!
literally so happy with myself rn(:
check out my book 'falling in or out of our love' also guys!
it's a crazy gilinsky fanfic that will make your emotions nuts. thanks!

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